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03/03/1982 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/03/1982 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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I Mr. Hawkins said he felt it would be necessary to adopt the improvement <br />ordinance as soon as it is written but the other ones need only be done <br />in a reasonable time. <br />Special Council Meeting <br />March 3; 1982 <br />set, Mayor Benson asked if it is necessary to have the otheres written <br />at this time? <br />155 <br />Mr. Schumacher pointed out that since the Ordinances are in the process of <br />being condified and if these ordinances are written at this point in time, <br />they can be incorporated into the codification at this time. This will <br />eliminate the necessity of anemding the codification. <br />Mr. Marier moved to meet the requirements of the 120 day period on the <br />improvement ordinance and to authorize Mr. Hoff to draft the Resolution. <br />Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter amended the motion to read 'draft the Ordinance'. Mr. <br />Marier seconded the amendment. <br />The amendment carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Reinert felt that, in the future, such work as this should be done <br />by the City's Attorney. <br />Mayor Benson asked if this Council did not feel it would not be prudent <br />to adopt all four ordinance at this time and have this work done. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter pointed the necessity of having the codification done was <br />to correct the fact there are ordinances taht are in conflict with other <br />ordinances. The City at that time did not bid on this project. She felt <br />that the other three ordinances should be included at this time. Mrs. <br />Elsenpeter moved to amend the motion to authorize Mr. Hoff to write these <br />required ordinances at this time. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. The amend- <br />ment carried unanimously. <br />On voting on the motion, the motion carried with Mr. Marier voting, No. <br />Certificates of Indebtedness, - Mr. Schumacher reportedoon the differences in <br />Anticipation Certificates and Emergency Debt Certificates and Certificates <br />of Indebtedness. Mr. Schumacher reported that he had talked with the <br />League and this provision had been omitted from their sample charter and <br />that is why is had been left out of this charter. He pointed out that <br />under the charter, if this provision is omitted, the City cannot legally <br />use that form of revenue. <br />Mr. Schumacher pointed out that Anticipation Certificates can only be used <br />in anticipation of revenue. Certificates of Indebtedness can only be <br />used for the purchase(of equipment and is an additional levy. <br />Mr. Hawkins explained this is a manner allowed by which Cities may purchase <br />eupipment without the need to go through a bonding issue. <br />Mayor Benson asked Mr. Hawkins if he had any recommendations on this mater <br />and Mr. Hawkins said he had found the Certificates of Indebtedness a very <br />useful tool to be used for the purchase of needed equipment. <br />
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