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03/03/1982 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/03/1982 Council Minutes
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156 <br />Special Council Meeting <br />March 3? 1982 <br />Mayor Benson requested that Mr. Schumacher prepare an amendment to the <br />Charter for the inclusion of Certificates if Indebtedness for consider- <br />ation by the Charter Commission. <br />Chapter 5 - Section 5.07 - deals with 'referendum on Resolutions', this <br />had been discussed at the last meeting and the question of the legality <br />of this requirement had been brought up. One Attorney had felt that the <br />Resolution portion is not enforceable. The other point that had been <br />brought up was the fact that since the Charter does not have a separ- <br />ability clause, this makes the entire Charter illegal. <br />Mr. Weible tried to explain the difference between a Resolution and a <br />motion. Mr. Weible said there was no case law on this point. <br />It was pointed out that there is a Supreme Court decision on this matter <br />that states that a referendum on a Resolution is not lega. Mr. Hawkins <br />was asked his opinion and he asked to have some time to check this out. <br />Mayor Benson asked Mr. Flannery if he had a problem with this section and <br />he said, No. Mayor Benson asked why this Council has a problem with this <br />section and Mrs. Elsenpeter said the State Statute that allows for the <br />Charter, does not provide for a referendum on a Resolution. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz suggested this matter be turned over to Mr. Hawkins for <br />an interpretation of this Section. <br />Mayor Benson agreed with this and asked Mr. Jawkins to get together with <br />Mr. Flannery to discuss the intent of the Charter Commission on this <br />matter. <br />Chapter 8 was discussed - the matter of one signature per ownership was <br />discussed with several different interpretations on this requirement. <br />Mr. Hawkins felt that if there is joint ownership, all owners must sign <br />to consitiute one benefited property. <br />The remaining portions of the Charter did not seem to present any questions, <br />on the part of the Council. (Mr. Weible went through but he was not <br />audible on the tape). <br />Mr. Schumacher questioned the 'Corporate Bond' requirement - Mr. Hawkins <br />explained. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter asked what the Comission's example of a policy of how the <br />Council could be informed of the needs of the citizens? Mr. Weible could <br />not be understood). <br />Mayor Benson asked Mr. Hawkins to review the Charter for other questions <br />that should be presented to the Commission at this time. Also, the City <br />Administrator and Clerk. He commended the Commission and felt there are <br />only perhaps 6 of 7 areas of which there are questions. Mayor Benson <br />requested that Mr. Schumacher send a letter to each member of the Charter <br />Commission thanking them for their time and effort on putting this Charter <br />together. Also, indicate that the Council will implement this Charter <br />and ask the Commission to continue in order to assist the Council in <br />implementing the Charter. <br />
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