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03/22/1982 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/22/1982 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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Council Meeting <br />March 22, 1982 <br />Mr. Weible's comments were addressed to the Comprehensive Plan and his objections to <br />some of the provisions. He also felt that this Plan had been adopted without the <br />proper input from the public and that a task force should be formed to review and <br />recommend desired changes in the plan. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter disagreed with Mr. Weible's remarks on the lack of public input - she <br />noted that the Planning and Zoning Board had formulated this plan, not the Council. <br />This Plan had been in the process for at least two years and all meetings were open <br />to the public. The Plan had at least one Public Hearing and had been approved by both <br />the Planning and Zoning Board and the City Council at open meetings. <br />Mr. McLean, from the audience, concurred with Mrs. Elsenpeter, stating that this <br />planning process has been an ongoing action over several years. Mr. McLean suggested <br />that perhaps since Mr. Weible is a fairly recent resident of the City, he would not <br />be expected to know this. Mr. McLean also pointed out that the composition of the <br />Planning and Zoning Board and the Council has had many changes over the years, so that <br />there have been a variety of persons involved in this planning process. <br />16U <br />Mayor Benson concurred with Mr. McLean's statements and that the Council is in the <br />process of looking at a zoning map and a zoning ordinance in order to implement the <br />plan. He said that a task force will be appointed to work with the Planning and <br />Zoning Board and to present input from the public. Mayor Benson also felt that in <br />the next few years, this plan will need to be updated and there will be changes necessary. <br />Mr. Schumacher suggested moving Agenda Item #12, No. 1, for discussion at this point <br />in the meeting. The Council agreed. <br />STATUS REPORT - ZONING ORDINANCE - FLOOD PLAIN ORDINANCE - SHORE LAND MANAGEMENT. <br />Mr. Schumacher said this is just a brief status report to inform the Council of the <br />work that has been accomplished toward completion of these ordinances. Mr. Bill Short, <br />Mr. Peter Kluegel and Mr. Schumacher have gone through the zoning ordinance and made <br />some basic changes. This will be a Planning and Zoning agenda item at the April 14, <br />1982 meeting. The notice of these meetings will be published in order for the public <br />to be aware of the discussion. <br />Flood Plain Ordinance - a copy of this ordinance had been received from the DNR. <br />This will be typed and sent to the planner and the Attorney for their comments. <br />Shore Land Management - should be received from the DNR shortly - this had been discussed <br />and that agency is in the process of making some changes to make this document more <br />applicable to. Lino Lakes. <br />There was discussion on the task force - how many persons should this be composed <br />of? <br />Mayor Benson suggested that the appointing of the task force be given to the Planning <br />and Zoning Board and they should decide the number of persons to be on this Board. <br />Mr. Benson emphasized that this Board should be composed of persons representing all <br />areas of the community and should be composed of residents, business people and <br />developers - all facets of the community should be equally represented. <br />III Mrs. Elsenpeter moved to direct the City Clerk to place an ad in the Forest Lake Times, <br />the White Bear Press and the Circulating Pines for persons interested in working on this <br />task force and that they should respond by April 7, 1982. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. <br />
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