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07/12/1982 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/12/1982 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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Council Meeting <br />July 12, 1982 <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter pointed out that the Letter of Credit is valid until the end of July <br />and therefore an extension is unnecessary at this time. She felt that Mr. Tramm should <br />present a Letter of Credit covering the cost of the improvements, then consider an <br />IIIextension at that time. <br />Mr. Marier pointed out that is exactly what he meant, however, the lack of dollars <br />covered to day which has been approved. <br />Mayor Benson felt this gives Mr. Tramm a couple of extra weeks to look for financing <br />before this Council makes a decision on his request. <br />On voting, the motion carried. <br />ENGINEER's REPORT <br />Mr. Davidson reported on the permit for the sewer discharge for the Correctional <br />Facility that is discharged within the City of Lino Lakes. Mr. Davidson explained <br />the operation of this facility noting that the request for the extension is for 31 <br />years. Mr. Davidson felt there is no solution to this problem until the interceptor <br />is available to serve this facility. Mr. Davidson felt the 31/2 year extension request <br />is reasonable in that, if the normal sequence of events takes place, this facility <br />could not be served until sometime in 1985. Based on all available information, he <br />would recommend that the City retain the right to extend sewer to the facility, if <br />it became available, and the public health was threatened. <br />Mr. Marier asked if there were any health problems at this time and Mr. Davidson <br />said, No. Mr. Marier asked what the obligations of the State of Minnesota are since <br />III this is a State facility. Mr. Davidson said they have some tight monitoring <br />requirements that must take place within the 31 year period. Mr. Marier asked <br />what the State's obligation to put sewer to the facility is? Mr. Davidson, <br />said he wasn't aware of that at this time. <br />Mr. Marier felt it might be wise to contact the State and ask what their thoughts <br />are in this matter. Mr. Davidson felt this is a policy decision this Council will <br />need to make. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter moved to instruct the City Administrator to write the State Department <br />of Corrections with the City's concerns and ask what their plans in the future are <br />indicating that the City would like some sort of statement from them as to their intents <br />when sewer is available, or if the City determines there is a health problem before the <br />termination of the permit, what the position would be at that time. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Davidson gave a brief report on the request of the Council that he set some standards <br />for the location of utilities within the street right -of -ways. These sketches have been <br />presented to the City Administrator and Mr. Davidson suggested a work session to review <br />this proposal. <br />Mr. Davidson requested that his firm not be asked to present a proposal for the Senior <br />Citizen's Building. He felt it would be more cost effective to continue with the firm <br />that has presented a proposal. <br />IIIMORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS <br />Mr. Karth reported on the availability of these funds and presented the time frame of <br />application. He also noted that before any application is made, the firm must have the <br />City's approval, Metropolitan Council approval and Minnesota Housing approval. Six of <br />
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