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08/23/1982 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/23/1982 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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Council Meeting <br />August 23, 1982 <br />PUBLIC HEARING - FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING USE <br />231 <br />Mr. Reinert called this hearing to order at 7:40 P.M. This hearing is for the purpose <br />of taking public input as to suggested uses for the anticipated Federal Revenue Sharing <br />monies to be received in the amount of $29,455.00. <br />Mr. Reinert asked for comments from anyone present and there were none. <br />The Public Hearing was closed at 7:45 P.M. <br />OPEN MIKE <br />Mr. McAllister had asked to appear before the Council in reference to a letter <br />received concerned with the opening of Maudie's. <br />Mr. McAllister said the letter was written on Aug. 13 and the writer was a Mr. Wieble <br />who has never been in the place to his knowledge. He said the parking did overflow <br />and they have consulted the police officers as to how to handle this matter. He <br />pointed out that this is not a reincarnation of Rocky's. He felt that there are no <br />facts in this letter. <br />Mr. Marier said he had been in the establishment on Saturday and read the sign <br />pointing out the rules and regulations. He reported that the crowd was orderly, <br />the place is clean and he felt there were no problems there. <br />Mr. Ross, from the audience, said he and his wife were there on opening night and <br />were well pleased with the operation. He pointed out a few things that are not <br />III completed but he felt that this operation should be given a chance and this should <br />be an asset to the community. <br />Mr. Duwayne Turner, of Jeanne Drive, presented his problems with Jack Menkveld in <br />getting the gas in the project. He asked the Council for help in getting this <br />service in their project. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter pointed out that the City has control over the streets, but they <br />have no control over the installation of other services. This is the responsibility <br />of the developer and the City does not get involved in this type of installation. <br />Mr. Hawkins felt the only thing the City could do is to send a letter to the developer <br />and North Central on this subject. <br />Mr. Marier moved to send a letter to North Central and Mr. Menkveld urging these <br />people to get these services in as soon as possible. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. <br />Motion carried unanimously. (This letter to include the name of persons involved - <br />Mr. Turner - Mr. St. Clair) <br />Mr. Ross asked if they had contacted the office of Consumers Protection of the State <br />of Minnesota and Mr. Turner said, No. Mr. Ross suggested they contact that office for <br />some assistance. <br />ORDINANCE #88 - FLOOD PLAIN ORDINANCE - SECOND READING <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter moved to waive the reading of this Ordinance. Seconded by Mr. Marier. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter moved to adopt Ordinance #88. Seconded by Mr. Marier. Motion carried <br />unanimous ly <br />
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