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08/23/1982 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/23/1982 Council Minutes
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232 <br />Council Meeting <br />August 23, 1982 <br />Mr. Schumacher noted that a summary was in the packet and requested that this summary <br />be approved for publication. Mr. Marier moved to publish the summary as presented. <br />Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Hawkins suggested <br />adding "that a complete copy of the ordinance is available in the City office for <br />inspections ". There was agreement on this addition. <br />CLOSING OF A PORTION OF EAST SHADOW LAKE DRIVE THROUGH THE OUTLOT <br />Mr. Marier moved to table this item until the September 13, 1982 agenda. Seconded by <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion carried with Mrs. Elsenpeter voting, No. <br />PUBLIC HEARING - NATHE REZONE - R3 <br />The public hearing on this rezoning request was called to order at 8:00 P.M. Mr. Reinert <br />asked if anyone was present who wished to speak on this rezone. Mr. Kluegel reported <br />that the Planning and Zoning Board has recommended this be approved for the rezoning <br />to R3. Mr. Schumacher reported that one of the major concerns of the Planning and <br />Zoning was the parking, but they had recommended that the front portion of this lot <br />not be used for parking for the 49 Club. <br />Mr. Stephen Adams, lives adjacent to this property. His concern was "who's gonna <br />live in this place ?" if young couples with children, the front yard would be a parking <br />lot - older people - too noisy. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz pointed out that this Council has no jurisdictions as to who this <br />property is rented to - this is the prerogative of the owner and the prospective <br />residents. <br />There was discussion of the screening but since the Planning and Zoning had disallowed <br />the parking, there will be no screening and no parking in that area. <br />Mr. Wes Jensen, who lives north of the 49 Club, felt the house was too small for a <br />single home, how could it be converted to a four plex? He also agreed that there <br />is a need for parking at the 49 Club. <br />Mr. Marier asked what was the size of the apartments and the dimensions were discussed. <br />Mr. Kluegel noted that the outside dimensions meet the City's building code. <br />Mr. Gene Bloomquist, who lives just West of the 49 Club, when he bought there, the 49 <br />Club was there - he bought into the noise - that was his problem. He pointed out there <br />is a 100 foot easement between Mr. Adams and the building and Mr. Jensen has almost <br />40 acres between him and this location. <br />Jan Kutzner, owner of the J &K Liquor and the game room, said she would like to see this <br />finished and she would prefer to see the parking allowed. The patrons of the 49 Club <br />use the parking in front of her businesses and she spends alot of time getting those <br />cars moved so she has parking for her customers. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter said she did not understand the reasoning behind the Planning and Zoning <br />Board's deleting the parking lot - this is the basic problem. <br />Mr. Adams asked about the issuance of a building permit for the foundation of this <br />building - that would have to be for a four -plex - who approved this? <br />Mr. Schumacher explained that only one permit has been issued and that is for the <br />Moving of the house. The construction on the home was red - tagged when the plans to <br />remodel to a four -plex were discovered. <br />1 <br />
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