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10/25/1982 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/25/1982 Council Minutes
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10/9/2014 12:11:06 PM
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />October 25, 1982 <br />question. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion carried unanimously. <br />OPEN MIKE <br />There was no one who had requested to appear under this portion of the <br />agenda and no one from the audience. <br />257 <br />ORDINANCESS #42B and 57B - SECOND READING <br />Mr. Schumacher explained these ordinances bring the City's disbursements <br />into line with the recommendations of the State Auditor's office. Mr. <br />Kulaszewicz moved to waive the reading of the Ordinances. Seconded by <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Reinert moved to approve the two ordinances.. Seconded by Mr. Marier. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD ACTION REPORT <br />Amended Special Use Permit - Glenn Rehbein - Mr. Kluegel explained this <br />is a request to amend the special use permit granted for the construction <br />of a 40x60 addition to the existing shop. Mr. Rehbein is requesting <br />the special use permit be amended to allow an additional40x50 feet to be <br />constructed. Mr. Kluegel reported this had been recommended for approval <br />by the Planning and Zoning Board. <br />The Council had some questions as to set backs which Mr. Kluegel answered. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz moved to approve the amended special use permit with <br />the stipulation that the setbacks as noted on the survey be maintained. <br />Seconded by Mr. Marier. Motion carried unanimously. <br />MILNER CARLEY - PAYMENT FOR LAKES ADD #7. <br />Mr. Carley had written requesting payment for the plans ans specifications <br />that had been prepared for Lakes Add. #7. Mr. Hawkins was questioned <br />on this statement and he said the City had ordered the plans ans specifica- <br />tions and have a legal obligation to pay their bills. <br />Mr. Marier moved to pay this bill when documentation is forwarded to <br />TKDA at no further cost to the City. Seconded by Mr. Reinert. <br />Mr. Reinert moved to amend the motion to include a request from TKDA <br />to Milner Carley for items they feel they need to proceed as City <br />Engineers. Seconded by Mrs. Elsenpeter. The amendment carried unanimously. <br />The motion carried unanimously. <br />PUBLIC HEARING — FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING /BUDGET <br />The hearing was called to order at 7:35 P.M. Mayor Benson noted the <br />total amount of Federal Revenue Sharing to be received was $29,453.00. <br />This money had been ddsignated to be used in the Police Department budget. <br />Mayor Benson asked if. there were any comments from the audience and there <br />were none. <br />Mr. Marier questioned the designation - shouldn't some of this be put <br />
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