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05/03/1983 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/03/1983 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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36 <br />Joint Meeting <br />May 3, 1983 <br />This meeting was called for the purpose of discussing the concerns of <br />the citizens that were presented to the Council at the Public Hearing <br />on the Zoning Ordinance and the Zoning District Map. <br />Mayor Benson called the meeting to order noting this is a joint meeting <br />of the City Council, Planning and Zoning Board and the Task Force. <br />The meeting is to exchange ideas as to why osme of the actions taken <br />by the Task Force were in the form they appeared, and to understand <br />why some of the actions were taken. <br />Mayor Benson suggested starting with the first one that appeard at the <br />public hearing. This was Jim Spetzman - the location of the property <br />and the owners of the surrounding lands was discussed. Mayor Benson <br />asked why the Task Force had indicated this property as ER? <br />Mr. Short wxplained they used the Land Use Plan as a guide and this is <br />indicated as ER. The only commercial use land near this property is <br />at Main Street and #8. <br />The Task Force had no objections to the operation continuing - it was <br />the matter of expansion. <br />This operation is a Conditional use in either GB of LI, it is not a <br />permitted use in any district. <br />Forest Tagg - had asked for LI where the sand - blasting operation is <br />located - this is a 10 acre parcel. He also has ten acres North of <br />the Air Park which is proposed to be zoned R - he flet it should be <br />in ER. <br />Mr. Short noted that this is not listed in any district and felt, with <br />proper screening, it would fall into a GB classification. He suggested <br />determining just how much is needed for this operation and zoning just <br />that amount of land to LI and leave the remainder in GB. <br />Luther's Marine - Gary Duncanson - asked for the rear portion of his <br />land to include the lot under the high wire zoned GB. There was dis- <br />cussion on the platted street - Della Lane - what would this service? <br />If this zoning is extended, then this street would need to be vacated. <br />Mr. Short suggested this could either be rezonied as aprt of the <br />Ordinance or it could be brought before the Council for a rezoning. <br />Wes Jensen - acreage just North of the 49 Club. Mr. Short explained that <br />Mr. Jensen did not want part of his land GB and park ER. He requested <br />the entire parcel be GB. <br />There was discussion on Mr. Roland Ford's tree service operation which <br />is located near Mr. Jensen's property. <br />The feeling of the Task Force was that if the entore property was in- <br />cluded in he commercial, there would be more zonied as commercial than <br />would be needed. <br />V.S. Petersen - 6900 Block on Highway #8 - asked to keep the commercial <br />on the front part of the property. <br />
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