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05/03/1983 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/03/1983 Council Minutes
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10/9/2014 2:51:55 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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Joint Meeting <br />May 3, 1983 <br />There was discussion on the possibility of a service road on either <br />side of Highway #8 in this area. Mrs. Elsenpeter suggested that any <br />area that is platted, or the use changes, provisions should be made <br />at that time for a service road before the permits are issued. <br />Molin Porperty, North of 77th - proposed to be zoned LI - MarDon <br />residents objected to the LI zoning - surrounded by single fathily <br />homes. Task Force reasons - under landing pattern for the Air Park, <br />The requirements for a buffer zone was discussed. <br />37 <br />Milt Jorgenson - 9 acres on Lake Drive - wanted land to remain as <br />commercial. Has a machine shop on the property and some planted in <br />trees. There is a 60' pipe line easement on his property and it abutts <br />the City Park in Wollan's Estates. <br />John Benson - 35 Acres- platting procedure had been started. wanted <br />to continue the platting process into smaller lots that the ER <br />requirements. <br />Jeff Joyer - wanted some commercial frontage on his property. Jeff <br />explained his plans for the Waldoch property on Lake Drive and the <br />reasons for the commercial zoning. This is 1300 feet of frontage. <br />Greg Coleman - questioned the requirements on allowing accessory <br />buildings - wanted to construct a storage building - not allowed <br />under current proposal. Mr. Short said this issomething that could <br />be considered. <br />The matter of the hangers now permittted in the Air Park not conform- <br />ing to this ordinance was idscussed. Several alternative methods <br />of dealing with these oversized buildings was introduced. <br />Charles Prokop - SE portion of the City being zoned R - Felt this <br />should be ER. Mr. Short explained the reasoning behind this zoning <br />action. Noting the sewer is a possibility between 1990 and 2000 and <br />that this land be classified as R until there is some assurance sewer <br />will be provided. <br />Clement Schmitz - corner of Lake Drive and Highway #49 - wanted his <br />land to remain as ER. This land had been presented as a preliminary <br />plat and wants to develop in that manner. He does not feel this is <br />and area that will develop as a GB area. <br />Jerry Blackbird - concerned with three parcels of land along Lake <br />Drive - the proposed zoning for the lands and the reasons was discussed. <br />Arlo Morehouse - 40 acres on 79th street - wanted to be able to split <br />his land into one acre lots rather than the five acres required in the ER. <br />Jerry DeMars - next to Bastian's - wanted to keep his land commercial <br />for possible sale to Bastain. <br />John Doyle - Lakes Add. #2 - has problems with DNR and wants to build <br />double homes on those lots - 4 lots are buildable and 4 are not - Mr. <br />Doyle wants to put 8 units on 4 lots. <br />John Tobish - 6192 Hodgson Road - proposed for ER - wants it left <br />commercial. <br />
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