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05/17/1983 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/17/1983 Council Minutes
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10/9/2014 2:52:16 PM
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10/9/2014 1:27:34 PM
City Council
Council Document Type
Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Board of Appeal
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May 17, 1983 <br />Board of Review <br />39 <br />Mr. Tom Olson had a question on his value. Mrs. Roisum pointed out <br />the figures for the land and for the building. Mr. Olson said he only <br />had a chimney - no fireplace. Mrs. Roisum said this would take $1000.00 <br />market value from the home. <br />Mr. Olson asked how the assessed value was computed and Mrs. Roisum <br />gave him the formula. <br />Mrs. Barb Niemczyk had a question on why her mortgage company had in- <br />creased the payments by $60.00 per month. Mrs. Roisum said she would <br />send her figures to the bank for clarification. <br />Mr. Harold Lehman, 509 Birch street, had some questions on Green Acres. <br />Mrs. Roisume pointed out that one figure is for market value without <br />Green Acres and the other is the market value for the land under Green <br />Acres. <br />Mr. Pete Nadeau from 20th Avenue, stated that he was here to take up <br />where he left off last year. Mr. Nadeau had three parcels taht he <br />felt was over valued. He said he had gone through the County and the <br />State last year without any results. <br />Mrs. Roisum said all the property in the area is valued the same per <br />acre, the difference could be in the make up of the land - whether it <br />is low, high, wooded, tillable, etc. <br />Mrs. Roisum pointed out that the value on this land is the same as <br />last year and the figures on Mr. Nadeau's land value was established <br />by the County and once this is done, it is out of her hands. <br />Mr. Marier pointed out that Mr. Madeau is talking about last year's <br />value and this Board of Review is to discuss 1983 values. The value <br />of the land is based on the makeup of the land. <br />Mr. Marier asked Mrs. Roisum if she would mind goint out and reviewing <br />that land and Mrs. Roisum said, No, she would be glad to. However, <br />she pointed out this had been reviewed by herself and the County <br />last year. <br />Mr. Marier said he would meet with Mr. Madeau and review this property. <br />Mr. Nadeau said he had four parcels that he did not get yards for. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter said cards had arrived at the post office with no <br />address. She had forwarded them to him. <br />Mr. Madeau complained about a back 40 with no possibility of develop- <br />ment - the value is $20,000.00. Mr. Marier asked if the value had <br />changed? Mr. Nadeau said, No, but the taxes are different. This <br />value had been put on this land by the County. <br />Mr. Marier pointed out that he had gone to the State on this last <br />year and the value had remained the same. <br />Mrs. Roisum noted that the County Assessor had walked the land last <br />year and had placed this value on the land. <br />Mr. Reinert pointed out the Council is here to certify the actions <br />of the Assessor - not to question her values. <br />
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