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04/19/1983 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/19/1983 Council Minutes
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96 <br />Special Meeting <br />April 19, 1983 <br />The Special Meeting of the Lino Lakes City C ouncil was called to order <br />at 7:00 P.M., A pril 19, 1983 by Mayor Benson with all Council members <br />present. Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Short, Mr. Schumacher, Mr. Kluegel and Mrs. <br />Sarner were also present. <br />Mayor Benson called the Public Hearing to order noting the purpose of <br />this meeitng is to discuss the proposed new zoning ordinance and zoning <br />district map. A task force has spent approximately ten months putting <br />these documents together - there has been a lot of thought put into this <br />map and ordinance. Mayor Benson asked that this meeting be conducted <br />in an orderly manner. Each person will be allowed to speak without <br />interruption had he requested that comments be liminted to 5 to 8 minutes, <br />but if it takes longer - no problem. If this meeting carries into a late <br />hour, then the meeting will be continued to another date in order for <br />everyone who has questions to present them to the Council. <br />Mayor Benson stated the format for this meeting will be as follows: The <br />Planner will make a presentation. Mayor Benson asked that Mr. Short be <br />allowed to complete his presentation before ny quesitons are aksed. If <br />there is a quesitonn, please write it down, and it will be answered later. <br />When Mr. Short has finished, there will be a hort break to give the <br />people time to look at the maps, talk with Mr. Short or complete one <br />of the forms in the rear of the Hall if they wish to speak to the Council. <br />The meeting will be reconvened and the public will be heard. Mayor Benson <br />requested that each person come forward and speak into the microphone, <br />stataing their name and address and, if they are representing someone, <br />their name and address. This will done on an individual basis. <br />Mayor Benson felt there would be no decision made at this meeting. <br />This meeting is for the purpose of taking input from the concerned <br />residents. This input will then be considered by the Council. <br />MR. SHORT's PRESENTATION <br />Mr. Short noted that he had appeared at four quadrant meetings and had <br />presented basically the same review at those meetings. Mr. Short said <br />this began by going thorugh the existing Ordinance #56, page by page, <br />and making extensive revisions. In fact the number of pages has <br />basically doubled. <br />The task force had also discussed this entire City, section by section, <br />which encompasses over 33 square miles. After the work done by con- <br />sulting maps, the task force had then toured the City on several different <br />occasions. <br />Mr. Short listed the work done by the City in conformance with the laws <br />passed by the State Legislature in Chronoligical order listing the reason <br />why this work was necessary. <br />Mr. Short said this zoning ordinance and zoning map is necessary to <br />conform to the Land Use Chapter contained withing the Comprehensive <br />Plan of the City that has been adopted by the City Council. <br />1 <br />
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