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04/19/1983 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
04/19/1983 Council Minutes
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98 <br />Special Meeting <br />April 19, 1983 <br />Wesley Jensen - has property just North of the 49 Club. Under the old <br />ordinance all the frontage was zonaed as commerncial - under the new <br />zoning it woul dbe 2 commercial and 1 residential. Mr. Jensen would <br />ask for consideration of putting the eintre parcel in the commercial <br />zoning district. <br />V.S.Petersen - concerned with property in the 6900 blick of Lake Drive - <br />owns approximately 400' of currently zoned commercial property. The land <br />is too small to construct more than one home and is not the nest use of <br />the land. Mr. Petersen suggested to begin to plan for a service road <br />behind what was once the commercial property, leave the commercial zoning <br />to create a buffer zone for the residential property on the lake. Another <br />factor is the use of the land across the highwway is commercial. Mr. <br />Petersen felt that perhaps this could also be used for a multi- family <br />complex that could also serve as a buffer. Mr. Petersen pointed out that <br />he has no immediate plans. <br />Mr. Short noted that any lots of record can be developed even though <br />they do not meet the proposed regulations. <br />Roland Ford - Northland Tree Service - 6074 Hodgson Road. This has always <br />been commercial ans would like the commercial zoning to remain - in fact, he <br />would prefer LI zoning. This property is located in the same general area <br />as Mr. Jensen's. <br />Christie Grieve - 7859 Meadow View Trail in MarDon Acres - si concerned <br />with the LI zoning proposed adjacent to their homes. She asked the <br />rationale behind zoning this LI and if anyone has an invested interest <br />in this land? <br />Mr. Short noted this property is owned by the Molin C oncrete Co and <br />is already zoned as LI. Also, the property is located under the runway <br />of the Lino Air Park and there is limited development allowed in this <br />type of area. <br />Mrs. Grieve suggested that perhaps the lands north of 77th be R and the <br />lands south of 77th remain LI. <br />Kay Zisk - also from the same area - reiterated the same thoughts as above. <br />Milt Jorgenson - 8221 Lake Drive - has 9 acres of land - is currently <br />zoned commercial and requested that this land remain commercial. There <br />is currently a pipe line running through his property which limits the <br />develop,ent of residential. He felt the option of selling commerncial <br />versus Residential has quite a financial advantage. <br />John Benson - 6347 Red Maple Lane - has bought property to the South with <br />the idea of restricting development in that area. Is in partnership <br />(T.J.J.T.) had had propsoed this land be platted in lots of approximately <br />1.5 acres - had presented to P &Z and was advised to present this to Rice <br />Creek Watershed Board. They have quite an investment in this property <br />and the plans - now, with this new zoning, this land goes into Rural - <br />one home per 10 acres - would be a substantial loss for the firm. <br />Mr. Rinert wasked what size his lot is - Mr. Benson said his home is <br />located on approximately 1 acre. Mr. Benson said the land cannot be <br />farmend - has a lot of ponding areas, he felt that it could not be used <br />
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