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01/23/1984 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/23/1984 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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165 <br />January 23, 1984 <br />Mr. Marier moved to approve the disbursements as presented. Seconded <br />by Mr. Bohjanen. Motion carried unanimously. <br />OPEN MIKE <br />There was no one who had requested time under this protion of the agenda. <br />ENGINEER's REPORT <br />This report was scheduled for later in the Agenda, but, Mayor Benson <br />suggested, that since the Engineer's were present, this report be heard <br />at this time. The Council members had no objections. <br />Mr. Dvaidson reported on the study done in conenction with the water <br />problems in Sherwood Green. He explained the plans as originally <br />planned pointing out the problems with this type of systems. M. Davidson <br />then presented his proposal for solving the water problem in that area, <br />also noting the estimated costs for this system. This would involve the <br />development of the North ponding area and constructing a ditch on the <br />West side of 4th Avenue to connect with the Anoka County ditch system. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to authorize Mr. Davidson to meet with Mr. Nelson, <br />the developer, to discuss this matter with him. Seconded by Mt. Marier. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mayor Benson referred to the discussion held earlier this evening on <br />the Rice Lake Estates, suggesting that some direction should be given <br />to the Engineer at this point. <br />Mr. Reinert moved to authorize Mr. Davison to meet with the City's fiscal <br />agent to discuss financing of this project. Seconded by Mr. Marier. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />1983 FISCAL YEAR END REPORT <br />Mr. Schumacher went through the report noting the departments that were <br />over budget and the departments that were under budget. Mr. Schumacher <br />noted that the surplus at the end of the year was $171,000.00 above 1982 <br />in cash and investments. Mr. Schumacher noted that the receipts <br />were $35,000.00 higher than planned and expenditures were $52.00 under <br />the planned amount. <br />Mayor Benson felt this report showed the City was making progress and he <br />felt a part of that was due to the management of funds by the City <br />Administrator, the staff and the department heads. <br />PLANNING AND ZONING ACTIONS - Peter Kluegel <br />Mr. Kluegel presented the request of Mose Pariseau for the re- arrangement <br />of lot line to facilitate the selling of one parcel of land. This <br />parcel has a non - conforming lot frontage. This request is to add land to <br />that parcel but will still leave the lot with non- conforming frontage. <br />Mr. Pariseau is asking for a variance to the lot frontage. This land is <br />located in the R area. <br />Mr. Short had reviewed this propsoal and noted that the re- arrangement <br />of the lot lines would make the lots more in line with the requirements. <br />
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