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06/11/1984 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/11/1984 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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240 <br />June 11, 1984 <br />On considering the disbursements of June 11, 1984, Mr. Kulaszewicz <br />moved to approve. Seconded by Mr. Reinert. Mayor Benson questioned <br />some repairs done outside the shop on a patrol car - Mr. Schumacher <br />said this was probably something that had to be done in a hurry and <br />the mechanic was not available. Mayor Benson also questioned the <br />check for the folding doors in the new Council chamber - isn't there <br />work to be done on those doors. Mr. Schumacher said, Yes, one of the <br />doors must be reversed and this check will be held until the work <br />is done. The check for Rivard electric will also be held until Mr. <br />Volk returns from vacation to make sure the work is done as was speci- <br />fied. Motion to approve the disbursements carried unanimously. <br />OPEN MIKE <br />Mrs. Morris Carlson appeared before the Council to discuss a problem <br />she has with a neighbor who has a Special Use Permit to have a horse <br />on less than the required acreage. She said he has not installed the <br />proper fencing. Mrs. Carlson said Mn Nelson only had two acres of land <br />minus the part taken for the road. Mrs. Carlson said their property <br />borders on three sides. Mrs. Carlson said she had extended the exist- <br />ing fence twice and Mr. Nelson had torn the fence she had installed <br />down. <br />Mayor Benson asked Mr. Nelson to come forward and present his side of <br />the dispute. Mr. Nelson said he had two strands of wire and the third <br />strand on top is electrified. <br />Mr. Nelson said the Building Inspector had inspected his facilities <br />and had said they were sufficient. Mr. Nelson felt that if this <br />Council wants to revoke his special use permit to have the horse, <br />that's OK with him, he now would qualify under the hobby farm ordin- <br />ance. <br />After some questions and answers, Mr. Reinert felt there is not enough <br />facts in this issue to make a decision, and he suggested that Mr. Kluegel <br />get together with Mrs. Carson and Mr. Nelson and come to some decision <br />on this. <br />Mrs. Carlson pointed out that Mr. Nelson goes outside the fence with <br />motorcycles and snowmobiles. <br />Mr. Marier said that Mr. Nelson did not put the fence on the line and <br />he claims he has 5 to 8 feet outside the fence that is still his prop- <br />erty. Mr. Marier said he cannot tell whether the fence is on Mr. <br />Nelson's property or on Mrs. Carlson's property. Mr. Marier said he <br />did observe that quite a few of the corn rows had been flattened <br />with vehicle traffic. <br />The general consensus of the Council was that no decision can be made <br />on this issue until the location of the property lines is settled. <br />Mr. Nelson said if his fence is on the Carlson property, he will remove <br />it and if his kids are running vehicles on the Carlson property, he <br />will see that is stops. <br />Mr. Marier said a meeting will be set with the two parties involved <br />and Mr. Kluegel and there will be Council representation at that <br />meeting. Mr. Nelson will be informed when this meeting is scheduled <br />
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