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06/11/1984 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/11/1984 Council Minutes
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10/10/2014 1:22:32 PM
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />June 11, 1984 <br />and if it is invonvenient for him, a new date will be selected. <br />241 <br />It was pointed out there are no stakes on the north side of this prop- <br />erty and Mr. Nelson measured his property lines from the stakes on the <br />south. <br />PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED SEWER PROJECT <br />Mayor Benson noted that a pad will be passed around for people to sign <br />if they wish to speak to the issue, or if they wish to ask a question <br />or make a comment, there are extra pages for that purposes. <br />Mayor Benson opened the Public Hearing at 7:45 P.M. and asked Mr. <br />Davidson to present his study. Mayor Benson suggested that if the <br />people have any questions that deal with the specific subject, then <br />they should ask at the time Mr. Davidson is discussing that issue. <br />If it is a general question that can be answered later, please wait <br />until Mr. Davidson had completed his presentation. <br />Mr. Davidson presented the area proposed to be sewered, noting that the <br />only area being considered for this project is the area colored in <br />green. Mr. Davidson reported that the feasibility report for this <br />project had been done in September, 1983. The Council at that time <br />set criteria for the proposal. One of the stipulations was that unless <br />a developed property petitioned to connect to this line, there would <br />be no assessment on that parcel. Mr. Davidson noted this hearing is <br />for the purpose to allow all persons in the affected area to be heard <br />and if there are persons not in the affected area and want to be in- <br />cluded, this is possible by being petitioned for. <br />Mr. Davidson presented a map outlining the area to be served by water <br />and sewer. This sewer will be served by the extension of the inter- <br />ceptor on North Road to the west boundary of the City. The area would <br />be then served by a gravity system. The water supply will be initiated <br />to serve the Rice Lake Estates. Mr. Davison then outlined the several <br />alternatives that could be used to service the remaining area, with <br />the possible construction of on overhead storage tank. The methods <br />with the possiblity of one or the other or perhaps a combination of <br />both will be studied for the best system that is most cost effective. <br />Mr. Davidson pointed out this construction will probably be done in <br />three stages and he pointed out the areas that would be included in <br />each phase, explaining the reasons for this phasing. <br />Mr. Davidson reported that the project has been determined to be <br />feasible. <br />Mr. Davidson then explained the financing of the project and how this <br />will be assessed back to the affected properties. The affected area <br />contains approximately 522 acres with the area assessment per acre <br />at a 50% rate would be $3,790.00. The unit cost per home $1,325.00. <br />Connection charge $1,590.00 for a total of $2,195.00. Mr. Davidson <br />emphasised all these figures are estimates based on the current cost <br />figures available. The estimated cost of the project is $4.4 million <br />with half of the cost to be covered by assessment and half by connec- <br />tion charges. <br />
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