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092 <br />COUNCIL MEETING <br />Page Two January 28, 1985 <br />seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz moved to send a letter to Mr. Essig thanking him <br />for his participation as a Police Officer. Mr. Marier seconded <br />the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mayor Benson asked if there had been any past experience of part -time <br />officers moving up to become full -time officers when a vacancy <br />occurred. Mr. Bohjanen said he could remember two instances. <br />Mr. Bohjanen moved to place pact -time officer Mike Jensen in the <br />vacant full -time position. Mr. Reinert seconded the motion. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />CONSIDERATION OF RESIGNATION OF MARK FRIEDEN, FIRE MARSHALL <br />Mr. Schumacher explained Mr. Frieden has submitted his resignation <br />to become effective as soon as a replacement is appointed. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz moved to accept Mr.- Frieden'sresignation :and send <br />him a letter of appreciation for his service.- Mr. Reinert - seconded <br />the motion. Carried unanimously. <br />Mayor Benson said the Fire District has discussed the idea of one <br />fire marshall for all three communities. Mr. Bohjanen moved a letter <br />be sent to the Fire District supporting the appointment of one <br />fire marshall for all three communities. Mr. Marier seconded the <br />motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />PUBLIC HEARING, ACCESSORY BUILDINGS ORDINANCE #14 -- 84 — PETE KLUEGEL <br />Mr. Kluegel explained this - proposed revision to the City Code <br />is in response to a petition from twenty eight of the City residents. <br />The planning and Zoning Board recommended approval of Ordinance <br />#14 - 84. <br />Mr. Kluegel outlined the major changes of the proposed Ordinance. <br />There were several residents in attendance who were in favor of <br />the revision. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz moved to close the public_ hearing at 7:44 P.M. <br />Mr. Bohjanen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Reinert moved the adoption of Ordinance #14 - 84 and to dispense <br />with the reading. Mr. Bohjanen seconded the motion. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />The Ordinance #14 - 84 in its entirety follows: <br />