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02/11/1985 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/11/1985 Council Minutes
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109 <br />COUNCIL MEETING <br />February 11, 1985 <br />IThe regular meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order <br />at 7:00 P.M. by Acting Mayor Reinert. Council members present: Marier, <br />Bohjanen, Kulaszewicz. Mayor Benson was absent. City Attorney, Bill <br />Hawkins; Administrator, Randy Schumacher and Clerk- Treasurer, Marilyn <br />Anderson were also present. <br />CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - JANUARY 28,1985 <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz asked the Clerk to correct page 9, 3rd paragraph, last <br />sentence to read, "Motion carried with Mr. Marier and Mr. Kulaszewicz <br />voting, No." Mr. Marier moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Mr. <br />Bohjanen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF DISBURSEMENT - JANUARY 31, 1985 <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz moved to approve the Disbursements as presented. Mr. <br />Marier seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF DISBURSEMENTS - FEBRUARY 11, 1985 <br />Mr. Marier asked that the expenses for the Clerks Conference at the <br />Radisson Arrowwcnd be itemized for the next Council meeting. Mr. Sch- <br />umacher asked the Council to hold the bill for Goodyear in the amount <br />of $274.48. <br />IMr. Marier moved to approve the Disbursements of February 11, 1985 with <br />the stipulation that the Goodyear bill be held and the itemized statement <br />for the Clerks Conference be presented to the Council. Mr. Kulaszewicz <br />seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. <br />Mr. Al Ross from the audience told the Council it would be nice to have <br />the person attending the conference present the Council a report of the <br />conference. <br />OPEN. MIKE - <br />No one appeared for Open Mike. <br />CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 85 - 01, RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PARTICIIPATION <br />IN THE CONTROL DATA BUSINESS ADVISORS, INC. JOINT COMPERABLE WORTH STUDY <br />Mr. Reinert gave the Council some information from the League of Minnesota <br />Cities recent position at the conference at the Radisson, 1985 Proposed <br />City Policies and Priorities on this subject. The League is recommend- <br />ing that the Legislature repeal the law requiring political subdivisions <br />to undertake the complete Comperable Worth Study in 1985 and repeal any <br />deadline for implementation of any such plan. Mr. Reinert said that Com- <br />perable Worth Study is law and the position of the League is that the <br />Ilaw was hastily passed, it added extra burden in terms of cost, the state <br />should have provided funding for this study and maybe even the state do- <br />ing the study and handing down the guidelines to the municipalities. <br />Mr. Reinert told the Council about another League policy that strongly <br />recommends if there be any such money items in the future that the state <br />
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