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04/15/1985 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/15/1985 Council Minutes
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154 <br />SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING <br />April 15, 1985 <br />A Special meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called <br />to order by Mayor Benson at 7:00 P.M. Council members pre- <br />sent: Bohjanen, Reinert, Marier. Mr. Kulaszewicz arrived <br />at 7:10 P.M. Assessor, Margie Roisum; County Assessor, Ed <br />Thurston and City Clerk, Marilyn Anderson were also present. <br />The purpose of this Special Council Meeting is to conduct <br />the annual Board of Equalization. <br />CONDUCTING THE ANNUAL BOARD OF EQUALIZATION <br />Mayor Benson asked Mrs. Roisum the status of the Red Maple <br />Lane citizen complaint heard in January. She explained there <br />had been an additional meeting in January with the residents <br />and they have not returned with further questions or request <br />for action. <br />Mr. Pierre Nadeau of 6644 - 20th Avenue appeared before the <br />Council to let them know that he is appealing to the state <br />the City Assessors estimated market value on his property. <br />Mr. Nadeau said he has been before the Council for the,past <br />three years to tell them the Assessor is not doing her job. <br />He also requested that there be four to six weeks between <br />when the valuation cards are sent from the County and the <br />date of the Board of Equalization so that citizens have more <br />time to check the accuracy of the cards. <br />Mr. Reinert moved to attempt to give thirty days from the time <br />the valuation cards are mailed before conducting the Board of <br />Equalization. Mr. Marier seconded the motion. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />Mr. Nadeau asked why the newspapers were not present tonight. <br />He told the Council that last year someone from City Hall had <br />told the reporters not to attend this meeting. He was told <br />his statement was not true. Mr. Nadeau said this is one of <br />the most important meetings of the year and reporters should <br />be here. Mr. Reinert said it has been his experience when <br />you tell reporters not to attend they come in bunches to see <br />why they were told not to come. <br />Mr. Nadeau gave some of his concerns: taxes are too high, the <br />City budget is higher than neighboring cities that have more <br />land and residents and the City should be encouraging develop- <br />ing and getting some industry. He felt developers were sitting <br />on properties that could be developed because the land is valued <br />so low by the Assessor they pay so little taxes. He referred <br />1 <br />
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