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04/15/1985 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/15/1985 Council Minutes
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10/13/2014 1:24:35 PM
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1 <br />1 <br />SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING <br />April 15, 1985 <br />Page -2- <br />to the Peltier View plat. It was established that platted pro- <br />perty is not assessed per lot until after the plat has been <br />recorded as a plat for three years. Currently the lots facing <br />the street are now assessed as buildable residential lots. <br />The remaining lots are now assessed as farm land. <br />Mr. Nadeau referenced his own parcel #25- 31 -22 -22 -0010 which is <br />a ten acre parcel with nine acres tillable. The estimated mar- <br />ket value is $14,500.00. He felt this was over valued .because <br />it is land locked and cannot be used for a building site. It <br />was established that this land borders another parcel owned by <br />Mr. Nadeau and is not land locked. <br />Mr. Nadeau asked why a ten acre parcel owned by Mr. Andrew Cardinal <br />#35- 31 -22 -12 -0001 is valued lower than his ten acre parcel. Mrs. <br />Roisum said most of this particular parcel was low and could not <br />be cultivated. Mr. Nadeau's land is high and all of it is tillable. <br />Mr. Nadeau questioned Mrs. Rykl's property: #26- 31 -22 -44 -0001 valued <br />at $57,700.00. It was determined the present market value is <br />$65,200.00. <br />Mayor Benson said that it is ridiculous:to go through this each <br />year. The Council should follow up and bring this to a conclus- <br />ion. He suggested that the Council investigate Mr. Nadeau's <br />complaint and bring him back to Council and answer his questions. <br />Mr. Marier said the Council should look at the property person- <br />ally. Mr. Reinert asked if the Council personally looks at the <br />property and makes some decision, would Mr. Nadeau abid by what <br />the Council decides. Mr. Nadeau said definitely, No., he has <br />the right to appeal to the state. <br />Mayor Benson asked Mr. Nadeau what is the point he wants to make? <br />Mr. Nadeau said he wanted to show that somebody can come in <br />with an extreme situation where the Assessor is not doing a <br />very good job of evaluation and the Council says this has to <br />be changed. <br />Mr. Marier moved to meet at Mr. Cardinal's home on Tuesday, <br />April 16, 1985 at 6:00 P.M. with Mrs. Roisum, Mr. Bohjanen <br />and Mayor Benson to look at Mr. Cardinals property. Mr. Boh- <br />janen seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. <br />Cardinal said Mr. Nadeau would not be welcome on his property. <br />Mrs. Roisum will contact the below listed parcel owners to <br />see if they can look at their parcels as well: 26- 31 -22 -42 -0002; <br />24- 31 -22 -24 -0001; 13- 31 -22 -23 -0001 and 26- 31 -22 -43 -0001. <br />
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