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04/22/1985 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/22/1985 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 58 <br />SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING <br />April 22, 1985 <br />A Special Meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to <br />order by Councilman Kulaszewicz at 6:00 P.M., April 22, 1985. Council <br />members present: Marier, Bohjanen. Mayor Benson and Councilman <br />Reinert arrived several minutes later. City Administrator, <br />Randy Schumacher; Assessor Margie Roisum and County Assessor Ed <br />Thurston were also present. The purpose of this Special Meeting <br />was to reconvene the Annual Board of Equalization. <br />Mr. Pierre Nadeau of 6644 - 20th Avenue, Mr. Andrew Cardinal of <br />6657 Centerville Road and Mrs. Helen Rykel of 1926 Birch Street <br />were in the audience. <br />Major Benson explained that the members of the Council did go out <br />into the field and inspect parcels of land belonging to Mr. Car- <br />dinal and Mr. Nadeau as planned on April 15, 1985. <br />Mrs. Roisum supplied to the Council copies of the valuation sheets <br />for nine parcels of property in Lino Lakes. Some of the property <br />_is'owned by other residents in the City. She explained the meaning <br />of each valuation sheet. She also pointed out the parcels on a City <br />map. Mrs. Roisum and members of the Council went through each of <br />the valuation sheets with Mr. Nadeau. <br />Mr. Nadeau had some comments regarding the valuation sheets. He <br />asked where valuation per acre came from (1100, 1250 and 1400 per <br />acre based on the distance from the metro area). He felt it was <br />way out of line. It was explained these figures came from the <br />County. Mr. Nadeau asked; are we assessing ourselves or is the <br />County telling us what to put on these? He did not think the <br />County should be giving this City guidelines. Mrs. Roisum ex- <br />plained that there are not enough sales in Lino Lakes to make any <br />judgements. Mr. Nadeau suggested that all land in Lino Lakes <br />should be valued at the same rate per acre. Mr. Nadeau then noted <br />that the farm land is valued based on whether or not the land is <br />tillable and some is valued by how far it is from the metro area. <br />The same standards are not applied to all lands. <br />Mr. Nadeau questioned the value placed on the wetlands. He felt <br />this was too low. He said the wooded land is valued at the same <br />rate as tillable land. This means that all of Lino Lakes should <br />be re- evaluated. He felt the assessor should be looking at mar- <br />ket value not whether it is green acres, homestead, hardship case, <br />for developing or just for an investment. <br />Mr. Bohjanen asked Mr. Nadeau how he would value wetlands. Mr. <br />Nadeau said by how wet it is. <br />Mayor Benson said what he is trying to determine is if the formula <br />being used is uniformally across all the properties in the area. <br />What he is getting from Mr. Nadeau is that the Council should look <br />at increasing the value of wetlands and Lino Lakes should be looked <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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