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04/22/1985 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
04/22/1985 Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />SPECIAL COUNCIL MF'ETING <br />April 22, 1985 <br />Page -2- <br />at as a whole rather than as a part of Anoka County. Mr. Nadeau <br />said yes and he also said he is saying that the City is putting <br />the estimated market value on land depending on whether or not <br />it is farmed, not depending on whether it is high, low, or wooded. <br />He feels the estimated market value on farm land is too high be- <br />cause of this practice. <br />Mr. Reinert said what the Council is trying to do is the best they <br />can and from what has been brought out and seen there are no major <br />discrepancies other than certain judgements that Mr. Nadeau had <br />exercised as to what land may be worth. The Council has to rely <br />on some human judgements and past track records. This City can- <br />not afford to walk every parcel in this City. <br />Mr. Nadeau asked if he is in agreement with the assessor's valu- <br />ations of these parcels? Mr. Reinert said if he were to walk <br />every parcel he would probably find some differences of opinion. <br />This cannot be done. <br />Mr. Nadeau and the Council discussed the parcel owned by Mr. Car- <br />dinal again regarding its value. <br />Mr. Kulazewicz asked Mr. Nadeau if he would go along with what the <br />Council decides tonight. Mr. Nadeau said no. <br />Mayor Benson said to Mr. Nadeau what he is talking about is re- <br />vamping the way all land is assessed in Lino Lakes. This is not <br />reasonable. <br />Mr. Nadeau asked the Council if they would take action on the dis- <br />crepancy on the value of his property and Mr. Cardinals. Mayor <br />Benson said no. Mr. Nadeau asked if the City would get an apprai- <br />ser. Mayor Benson said no. <br />Mr. Reinert said he felt the Council could not select one parcel <br />and use that as a judgement without having a comparison of similar <br />types of parcels. Mr. Nadeau is asking the Council to be one iso- <br />lated parcel and make an example of it and change it. He did not <br />think there was that much of a discrepancy in this case. <br />Mr. Nadeau said he is disappointed and is resolved to go to the <br />state for further action. <br />Mr. Nadeau said the County has reviewed the estimated market values <br />on all his property. Some of the parcels were reduced but they <br />raised the value of his house $20,000.00. Next year he plans to <br />come back to the Council and question the value of his buildings. <br />Mayor Benson told Mr. Nadeau the Council has looked at the way the <br />market value was calculated on his property and the way the tax was <br />applied to each one and did not see any variance or evidence that <br />Mr. Nadeau was being unduly assessed or a different rule was applied <br />for his estimated market values. <br />159 <br />
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