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180 <br />COUNCIL MEETING <br />May 13, 1985 <br />Page Three <br />Mrs. DuFour asked, "can I get a copy of them tonight ?" Mayor <br />Benson said no. Mrs. DuFour asked, "can I get a copy of them <br />tomorrow morning ?" Mr. Hawkins said, this is pending litigation. <br />Mrs. DuFour asked, "when did the pending of the litigation <br />start? Is this from March 12 ?" Mr. Hawkins said you are pre- <br />sently charged with assault are you not? Mrs. DuFour said, <br />"no, I did not, he abused me, I have a witness, I have a doctors <br />. . " Mr. Hawkins said Mrs. DuFour is charged with assault, <br />so there is pending litigation. Mrs. DuFour said, "no, I am <br />not the only one, there is a lady here from the community that <br />also had trouble with the Police Department." Mr. Hawkins <br />said you are charged with a crime at the present time. Mrs. <br />DuFour said, "there wasn't, well then I'd like to have a copy <br />of that." Mr. Hawkins said you have a copy, you have a lawyer, <br />you have been to court, you have a copy of the complaint, you <br />have been given a citation. Mrs. DuFour said, "a copy of what, <br />complaining of child abuse." Mr. Hawkins said charging you <br />with a crime of assault on the police officer, the matter is <br />currently pending before the Anoka County court. Mrs. DuFour <br />said, "right, where is Mr. Campbell's investigation on this, <br />a copy of it." Mr. Hawkins explained while this matter is <br />pending and you are being prosecuted those matters are not <br />going to be disclosed to you unless you make proper request <br />through your lawyer or public defender and he will make the <br />arrangements and file the necessary papers. Mrs. DuFour said, <br />"I have a public defender, so you have no copies of either <br />of these." Mr. Hawkins said the documents will be supplied <br />pursuant to the rules of criminal procedure through your lawyer. <br />Mrs. DuFour said, "OK, that's all I have to say." <br />Mrs. Judith Seekon, 889 Main Street, Lino Lakes - Mrs. Seekon <br />said "I am here to back Susan DuFour and several other neighbors <br />in my neighborhood who have been abused by the Police Department <br />by harrassment and physical abuse. I just gave Marilyn, the <br />Clerk three copies, one for you, Mr. Benson, one for the members <br />of the Council and one for the Chief of Police. They were <br />signed by residents out here, I have another copy going around <br />in other areas of Lino Lakes and we are charging the Chief <br />of Police and the Police Department with brutality, well, it's <br />all wrote down there, it's all on the petition." Mayor Benson <br />explained the City initiated a Police Task Force well over <br />a year ago to investigate the Police Department and this was <br />done and made some recommendations. Also the City has a new <br />Police Chief that's been on the job about a month and the reports <br />from the City are substantiating that he is making inroads <br />within the community and people are pleased with him and his <br />openness in dealing with the people. He explained to Mrs. <br />Seekon that the City is ahead of here in this matter, in that <br />the Council has already been working on it for over a year. <br />Mrs. Seekon said, "I hope so, but some of the staff has happened <br />since between the new Chief taking over and when Mr. Myhre <br />retired, much of the stuff has happened since then." Mayor <br />Benson thanked Mrs. Seekon. <br />