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05/28/1985 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/28/1985 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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COUNCIL MEETING <br />May 28, 1985 <br />Page Two <br />3. Mrs. Seekon directed this question to the City Attorney; I would <br />like to know why the DuFours were not allowed to get a copy of <br />the police report filed against them? Mr. Hawkins said he knew <br />nothing about this. She asked about a complaint and he told her <br />she has an attorney, that matter is presently being litigated and <br />the request should come from her attorney. <br />4. What do you consider a disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor or felony? <br />Mr. Hawkins said if there is a question about this she should con- <br />sult with her lawyer. <br />5. If they were not allowed a police report, why was my son allowed <br />to get a copy of his? Mr. Hawkins said he did not know what she <br />was referring to and did not know anything about the case. He <br />said everyone is entitled to the police report. Mr. Seekon said, <br />"thats what I thought." <br />6. Some of the residents refuse to send in letters, they want the <br />Open Meeting, they want to be able to come down here publically <br />and speak. Mayor Benson said in fairness to the Chief of Police <br />and if you want some answers the only way this can be done is to <br />give the Council some documentation of what you want the Council <br />to respond to. He said, if someone brought up a complaint he <br />would not let the Police Chief make a statement that would put <br />the City in jeopardy until there had been an opportunity to re- <br />search it. He said if someone wanted to give the Council some <br />information about an incident that they want the Council to re- <br />search, they can do this and not sign the request. <br />7. Some of the people do not understand the City Ordinance and want <br />to understand them better and also have complaints against some <br />of these City Ordinances. Mayor Benson explained every meeting <br />is an open public meeting and people can ask questions under OPEN <br />MIKE. If they ask in advance this can be an agenda item and the <br />information will be available at that time. Some of the ordinances <br />are difficult to understand. <br />CONSIDERATION OF ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS FOR 1985. <br />PETE KLUEGEL <br />1 <br />Mr. Kluegel included in the Council packet a list of 54 current Condi- <br />tional Use Permit holders. Mr. Dennis Nelson of 20th Avenue was mis- <br />takenly omitted. There are fourteen dog kennel Conditional Use Permits <br />and there are no reported problems with them. There were no problems <br />with the first 48 Conditional Use Permits, however, the Council reserved <br />the right to talk about any one of them at the next Council Meeting. <br />#41 Harold Bisel - 6381 - 20th Avenue - Small Engine Repair - Mr. Marie <br />questioned item #41, Harold Bisel's Conditional Use Permit. He asked <br />Mr. Bisel if he understood the conditions imposed on this permit. Mr. <br />Bisel said he was interpreting what was written on the Conditional Use <br />Permit; no exterior storage, no employees, work done by owner only, <br />
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