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05/28/1985 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/28/1985 Council Minutes
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10/13/2014 2:29:51 PM
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />COUNCIL MEETING <br />May 28, 1985 <br />Page Three <br />non - transferable, annual review. He said he is interpreting exterior <br />storage to mean something that is stored outside for a period of time; <br />weeks, months, etc. Mr. Marier said this permit should also be talked <br />about at the next Council Meeting. <br />#49 - William Krychinski - 7830 Lake Drive - Used Car Lot - The Condi- <br />tional Use Permit calls for a dust free display area and screening <br />from the park side. Mr. Kluegel is concerned because the initial <br />screening has not succeeded and there is now grass growing up through <br />the parking surface. He showed the Council a picture of the current <br />situation. Mr. Kluegel has contacted Mr. Bill Flanagan who operates <br />the car lot and he intends to comply with the conditions on the Con- <br />ditional Use Permit. The Council asked Mr. Kluegel to meet with Mr. <br />Krychinski and have him appear at the next Council Meeting. <br />#50 - Paul Wolters, 7991 Lake Drive - Well Drilling Shop - The Condi- <br />tional Use Permit calls for fencing, no exterior storage on the south <br />side of the property, trees, bushes, permanent sign, hard surface park- <br />ing and driving area. At this time, the fencing and hard surface drive- <br />way and parking area are not complete. Mr. Kluegel has talked to Mr. <br />Wolters and he is working with Klosner -Gertz regarding putting in a <br />cement surface but he has not received a committment from him. There <br />is also additional fencing to be completed. Mr. Hawkins explained <br />the City Code contains a procedure for revoking a Conditional Use Per- <br />mit if the conditions of the Conditional Use Permit are not met. He <br />recommended the Council institute this procedure and revoke the permit <br />if Mr. Wolters does not comply. Mayor Benson asked Mr. Kluegel to <br />explain to Mr. Wolters this procedure and tell him the next step will <br />be to close his business. <br />#51 - Luthers Sport Shop, 7860 Lake Drive - The conditions of this <br />Conditional Use Permit are; install 6' security fence, all equipment <br />to be stored inside the fence, and customer and employee parking not <br />on park property. Mr. Kluegel explained the problem here is there <br />still are boats and other equipment sitting on the city street right <br />of way. He is still getting many complaints about this and has talked <br />to Gary Duncanson a number of times about this. <br />Mr. Schumacher said the City had this street staked last year and the <br />roadway is defined. Mr. Kluegel said Mr. Duncanson understands the <br />problem and explained the boats and trailers on the roadway are bas- <br />ically customer owned equipment that are brought in for sale or repair. <br />Mr. Schumacher explained he has such a high volume there is not suffi- <br />cient area for customer parking. <br />Mayor Benson asked Mr. Kluegel to talk to Mr. Duncanson as well. <br /># 52 - LeRoy Houle, 1221 Birch Street - Tree Removal Service - Storage <br />building for storage of construction equipment. Mr. Kluegel has re- <br />ceived complaints regarding the condition of the property. He has sent <br />
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