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07/08/1985 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/08/1985 Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />COUNCIL MEETING 41 <br />July 8, 1985 <br />Page Two <br />Mayor Benson said this shows what can happen when the City initiates <br />programs and works with other entities to support reduction in taxes. <br />Since this particular tax reduction required legislative action, it <br />took some time but it does show what working together can accomplish. <br />He suggested that Mr. Schumacher write a letter to Centennial School <br />District praising them for this accomplishment and telling them we <br />were pleased to work with them and will continue to do so in the <br />future. He also suggested sending a letter to District #831 asking <br />them if they would like to get together to see if there is anything <br />this Council can do to help District #831 in Lino Lakes. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz moved to adopt Mayor Benson's suggestions. Mr. Mar - <br />ier seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTORS RECOMMENDATIONS ON "CHILDREN AT PLAY" SIGNS <br />Mr. Volk had included in Council packets his recommendations for <br />"Children at Play" signs; Official Rulings on Requests, U.S. Depart- <br />ment of Transportation; information from MN /DOT - Office of State <br />Aid and further information from the Institute of Transportation <br />Engineers Southern California Section. All these agencies do not <br />recommend posting these signs. However, Mr. Volk is recommending <br />that this Council select an area and do a small survey as outlined <br />in his memorandum and then decide if it would be beneficial to place <br />these signs in other areas of the City. Mr. Volk suggested doing the <br />survey in the Arena Acres since this is the most recent area to re- <br />quest such signs. The survey would be completed before the fall <br />months. Mr. Reinert suggested the survey be completed unannounced <br />and descretely to get the most valid readings. <br />Mr. Marier asked if this would meet the requests of the citizens of <br />that area for the present time. Mr. Volk said yes. The Council <br />will have to decide if they wish to keep the signs posted after . <br />the survey period. <br />Mr. Marier moved that the area be signed at the descretion of the <br />Chief of Police and the Public Works Director. Mr. Reinert seconded <br />the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />PARK BOARD REPORT <br />A. Sunset Oaks Park Dedication - Mr. Schumacher explained that Sunset <br />Oaks park dedication has been under discussion since the plat was <br />recorded in 1977. To date the plat consists of 280 acres and the <br />dedication should have been 28 acres or $30,800 according to Ordinance <br />21B which was in effect at that time. To date a one -acre park and <br />equipment with a total value of $9,700.00 has been dedicated to the <br />City. The Park Board has recommended that the City obtain lots 13, <br />14, 15 and 16 of Block 2 plus a letter of credit or an escrow account <br />in the amount of. $12,300.00 to fulfill the total dedication obliga- <br />tions. <br />
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