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07/08/1985 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
07/08/1985 Council Minutes
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042 <br />COUNCIL MEETING <br />July 8, 1985 <br />Page Three <br />Mr. Roy Stanley is representing the owners of the Sunset Oaks Plat. <br />He has met with Mr. Schumacher and the Park Board several times. <br />There is some disagreement on the value of the property, however he <br />was given examples of other plat owners who paid dedication fees <br />based on the value of $1,100.00 per acre. <br />Mr. Marier moved to accept the lots outlined in the Park Boardrecommend- <br />ations along with a $12,300 escrow account. Mr. Kulaszewicz <br />seconded the motion. Mr. Bohjanen asked if Mr. Stanley refused to <br />be at the meetings. Mr. Schumacher explained no, he has been at <br />several meetings, however he has questioned the value of $1,100.00 <br />per acre as determined by the City. <br />Voting on the motion, motion carried unanimously. <br />ENGINEERS REPORT <br />Mr. Schumacher explained Mr. Davidson could not attend tonight but <br />has prepared an estimate of cost to review the Citys existing pneu- <br />matic pneu- <br />matic water system in the Lake Reshanau area. He has estimated the <br />cost to be between $500 to $1000 and also estimates the study will <br />be completed within a 30 -day time period. <br />There is concern regarding the present system in this area since <br />there has been and continues to be considerable development. Mayor <br />Benson said the Council had information from Milner Carly several <br />years ago indicating the system could support the area. Is this no <br />longer the case? Mr. Volk explained that Milner Carly was looking <br />at if there would be enough water for the area and there is. How- <br />ever, it would not be more than a five minute supply if there was <br />any type of well failure. Storage capacity is the problem. If the <br />well went bad it could take 30 days or more to dig a new well and <br />water would have to be hauled into this area. <br />Mr. Marier said since Mr. Volk already knows the problem, why do <br />a study. Mr. Volk explained that he does know the problem and he <br />is asking for a study to determine how to remedy the problem. The <br />study would give the Council some alternatives on how to get ade- <br />quate water storage. Mr. Marier said this situation has been before <br />the Council for at least a year now. Why not just say the City <br />needs a water tower and have the City Engineer give the Council <br />figures for that facility and not spend $500 - $1000.00 for a study <br />that will only tell the Council the City needs a water tower. <br />Mr. Reinert noted that the new proposal for the Black Duck area will <br />have a large impact on the present water system. They should be in- <br />cluded in any future assessment. <br />Mr. Volk recommended that the City Engineer put together a program <br />for water storage with a couple different alternatives for storage. <br />This may also include a financing package. <br />
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