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09/09/1985 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
09/09/1985 Council Minutes
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ObB <br />COUNCIL MEETING <br />September 9, 1985 <br />Page Two <br />some funds and plans to do this each year to help subsidize the <br />program. Mayor Benson also asked if some of the taxes the sen- <br />iors pay can be turned directly into this program. Ms. Harberts <br />said the County has allocated some of their funds along with other <br />federal and state funds that the County has been able to secure. <br />She was not familiar with how the County distributed the taxes it <br />collected from the landowners. <br />Mr. Reinert asked what the cost per person would be in this pro- <br />gram. Ms. Harberts said this would depend upon the number of pass- <br />engers, the seating capacity and the distance traveled. For in- <br />stance, in Linwood Township, the cost is estimated to be $1.00 to <br />$1.50 per mile or $4.00 to $6.00 per person.' They own an older <br />van. He said that since the people without transportation now <br />depend on their neighbors for rides, would it not be more rea- <br />sonable to pay them. Ms. Harberts said this option has been in- <br />vestigated and the majority of ride providers said they do not <br />want to continue providing this service because liability insur- <br />ance rates are becoming very expensive. In addition in the past <br />six months Centennial Congregrate Dining has lost four ride pro - <br />viders because they have died. <br />Mr. Marier said there is reimbursement to people who provide rides <br />for their neighbors. However, this is a very small amount. He said <br />the survey did not point to a need for this program at this time. <br />The people seem to be well taken care of. Ms. Harberts pointed out <br />that seniors may be able to drive today but unable tomorrow. <br />Mayor Benson asked what portion of other communities are finding <br />similar type results from surveys. Ms. Harberts defined the area <br />this survey was taken in and explained she had just received today <br />from Mr. Warren Tester of the Centennial School District a list of <br />797 seniors in the district and she plans to mail surveys to these <br />seniors for their feedback. Mayor Benson suggested that Ms. Har- <br />berts wait for this information since it may point out a greater <br />need than what is already anticipated. Ms. Harberts explained her <br />intent tonight was just to point out the information regarding what <br />her efforts have already uncovered. <br />Mayor Benson asked Ms. Harberts to return to the Council after her <br />survey of the Centennial area is completed with actual cost figures, <br />estimated use of the service - or potential riders, and results of <br />her contacts with service groups and private ride providers as soon <br />as possible since the 1986 budget is already being prepared. He <br />thanked Ms. Harberts for coming this evening. <br />CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION #87 -17, ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR THE <br />SALE OF $1,850,000.00 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS FOR PUBLIC IMPROVE- <br />MENTS <br />Mr. Ron Langness of Springsted, Inc. outlined his recommendations <br />for the sale of the General Obligation Temporary Improvement Bonds, <br />
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