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02/18/1986 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/18/1986 Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />SPI_:JAL COUNCIL M <br />February 18, 1986 <br />1. i <br />A special meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order <br />by Mayor'Ben_son at 7:30 P.M. Council members present: Bisel, Marier. <br />Mr. Reinert arrived several minutes later. Mr. Bohjanen was absent. <br />Assistant Administrator, Dan Tesch and Clerk - Treasurer, Marilyn <br />Anderson were also present. <br />Mayor Benson explained the purpose of this meeting is to discuss <br />the Circle Pines /Lino Lakes gas franchise and to draw together some <br />ideas from all the Council members on putting together a committee <br />that will negotiate a new gas franchise with Circle Pines. The <br />committee will be given guidelines by this Council and will report <br />back to the Council. <br />Mayor Benson referred to the 'letter dated 2/14/86 drafted by him- <br />self and Mr. Schumacher. This letter outlines some ideas to use <br />as a starting point in forming the negotiating committee. The key <br />ideas of the letter are suggestions for representation and reasons <br />for the representives. Representation suggested: 1) representive from <br />the City Council; 2) City Attorney, Hawkins; 3) City Administrator; <br />4) an outside gas utilities consultant; 5) two lay persons from the <br />City. hhec,e two icpresentatives would follow the negotiation process <br />from start to finish and they would continue on with the Commission <br />once the franchise has been established. <br />'sir. Marier asked which Council member would serve on this committee. <br />Mayor Benson said he would suggest Mr. Marier since he is the liaison <br />to the Utilities Commission. <br />Mr. Marier said he agreed with the suggested representation on the <br />committee and recommended that the Council select two lay people who <br />have had past experience on this issue and named Al Ross. He also <br />named Andy Neal who is retired and has the time to commit to this <br />matter. He also suggested that the utility consultant be selected <br />by Mr. Schumacher and Mayor Benson. <br />Mr. Bisel noted this would give Lino Lakes six members on the <br />negotiating committee whereas Circle Pines has appointed four <br />members. Mayor Benson did not feel that would be a problem since <br />the legal counsel and utility consultant would not be at every <br />meeting. <br />Mr. Reinert said he had no problem with the suggested committee but <br />would like to have some time to select the two lay people. He was <br />concerned that the utilities consultant be an unbiased person and <br />suggested that the consultant be retained from the American Gas <br />Association or the Minnesota Utilities Association. <br />Mr. Marier stated that this committee needs lay people who can dedicate <br />their time throughout the day hours as well as the evening hours and <br />come to a conclusion without biased opinion as well as people who <br />would be accepted by Circle Pines. The end result of this negotiation <br />should be of benefit for both Circle Pines and Lino Lakes. <br />
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