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02/18/1986 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/18/1986 Council Minutes
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296 <br />SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING <br />February 18, 1986 <br />Page Two <br />Mayor Benson said he is considering several persons for this committe <br />and felt the lay representative should have some experience in budget- <br />ing and finances and not just public relations. He also suggested the <br />candidatescome before the Council to answer questions and give their <br />views on this issue before their appointment. <br />Mr. Bisel asked if this commitee will be determing if Lino Lakes <br />will have a position on the Utilities Commission, if Lino Lakes <br />wishes to continue the franchise, or make revisions to the franchise. <br />Mayor Benson said this commitee will also determine the future makeup <br />of the Commission as well as the fluctuation of members and how this <br />will be determined and better accounting practices. <br />Mr. Bisel said that the end Pesult will be this commiteee will be <br />a recommending body to both Councils. <br />Mr. Marier suggested that each Council member submit their concerns <br />to the committee. He also was concerned that there be a compatible <br />group and an understanding will be reached that will profit both <br />cities. He also noted that what this Council does now can be undone <br />by a future Council. He suggested the end result be solidified. <br />MOTION: Mr. Marier moved to set a committee of three lay people, <br />City Administrator, Utility Consultant as needed, Legal Counsel as <br />needed, Council liaison and Mayor Benson. The legal consultant, <br />u tility consultant and Maydr Benson would not be active members <br />of the negotiating committee but would provide their expertise. <br />Mr. Bisel seconded the motion. <br />There was discussion regarding the number of lay persons on the <br />committee. Mr. Reinert felt it might be difficult to find three <br />people who could dedicate their time. Mr. Bisel suggested consider- <br />ing one of the three as an alternative. Mayor Benson said that <br />this City deserves two members on the eventual Gas Utilities <br />Commission and felt the Commission should be seven members. He also <br />noted that the eventual Gas Utility Commission should be comprised <br />of a majority of Circle Pines members but did envision a time when <br />the majority could be Lino Lakes members. It was his thought that <br />the two lay people appointed to the negotiating committee would then <br />become Lino Lakes representatives on the new Gas Utilities Commission. <br />Mr. Bisel was concerned that if Lino Lakes appoints three people <br />to the negotiating team, Circle Pines may be uptight. Mayor Benson <br />did not think this would be a problem since Lino Lakes is trying <br />to get a few citizens knowledgeable about the gas franchise. <br />Voting on the motion, motion carried unanimously. <br />Directive for the committee <br />Mr. Reinert stated the objectives of the committee should be to <br />determine: <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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