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NorthPointe <br />Development Contract <br />June, 2014 <br />per SAC unit). The unit charge shall be based on the procedure outlined in <br />the Metropolitan Environmental Services Service Availability Charge <br />Procedure Manual. An estimate of the total charge and the trunk utility <br />credit for developer installed trunk oversizing is specified in Attachment <br />B. <br />c. Surface Water Management Area Charges. <br />i. The City established a trunk area charge to uniformly distribute the costs <br />of public trunk surface water infrastructure and water quality <br />improvements. The Surface Water Management Charge shall be based on <br />developable acreage, in the amount specified in Attachment B. <br />d. Assessment of Charges and Waiver of Rights. <br />i. In consideration of the provision of sewer, water and storm water services, <br />the Developer agrees that the Trunk Sewer Unit Charge, Trunk Water Unit <br />Charge and the Surface Water Management Area Charge (collectively, <br />"the Charges") may be assessed against the Subdivision parcels. The <br />Developer hereby waives any and all procedural and substantive <br />objections to the special assessments, including notice and hearing <br />requirements, any claim that the assessments exceed the benefit to the <br />properties, and any right to appeal. <br />ii. Unless the Developer pays the entire balance owed for the Charges <br />contemporaneously with the execution of the Agreement, the Developer <br />shall provide to the City a cash escrow or irrevocable letter of credit in an <br />amount equal to 35% of the total assessments as estimated by the City <br />Engineer (see Attachment B). The letter of credit shall be in a form, and <br />from a bank, as approved by the City. The letter of credit or cash escrow <br />may be used by the City upon default by Developer in the payment of <br />special assessments. The cash escrow or letter of credit shall remain in <br />place throughout the term of the special assessments. <br />iii. All special assessments shall be payable to the City Clerk in semi-annual <br />installments over 15 years commencing on April 15th of the year after the <br />levy of such assessment and on each September 15th and April 15th <br />thereafter until the entire balance plus accrued interest is paid in full. In <br />the alternative, the City may, at its option, certify the entire assessment roll <br />to the Anoka County Auditor for collection with real estate taxes. <br />iv. Developer, its heirs, successors or assigns, agrees that within 30 days after <br />the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for a residence on a lot located <br />within the Subdivision that is assessed for the cost of the Charges, the <br />Developer, its heirs, successors or assigns, agrees, at its own cost and <br />page 10 <br />