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10/09/1979 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
10/09/1979 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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October 9, 1979 <br />23 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order <br />at 8:00 p.m., October 9, 1979, by Mayor Karth. Council members present; <br />Kulaszewicz, Schneider, Zelinka. Absent: McLean. Mr. Locher was also <br />present. <br />Approval of the minutes was deferred. Mayor Karth introduced Sen. Knaack <br />who was here to discuss the proposal for the juvenile detention center <br />at St. Joe's Church. There is to be a representative of the State <br />Correctional Facilities present at this meeting. <br />Sen. Knaack said Mr. Young was unable to attend bu Mr. Tonsche would be <br />here. She felt the lack of communications on the part of Anoka County <br />had led to a state of confusion for both the Citizens of Lino Lakes and <br />Anoka County officials. <br />Mr. Burman gave a brief update on the actions of the Anoka County <br />Commissioners and said he could almost assure the citizens that the <br />facility would not be 'located at St. Joe's Church. His personal opinion <br />was that juveniles should not be housed with adult offenders. <br />Mr. Bohjanen asked Mr. Burman how the other Commissioners felt about <br />that and Mr. Burman said he did not know. <br />Mr. Bohjanen asked Sen. Knaack if there are plans for the expanding of <br />the existing facilities and Sen. Knaack read a letter from Mr. Young in <br />which the request of Anoka County was denied. Mr. Young felt the exist- <br />ing cottages at the Lino Lakes facility are needed for the projected <br />population of that facility and the possibility of a facility for women <br />being constructed at this site. <br />Mr. Tomsche presented the projection for the increase in population for <br />the facility - the fact that the State is looking at the facilities <br />where both adult and juveniles are housed - the need for a facility for <br />women. <br />Mr. Bohjanen asked if they were considering expanding the Lino Lakes <br />facility and Mr. Tomsche said, Yes. He said Anoka County wanted space <br />to house 60 juveniles and a cottage for 'Huber' persons. <br />Sen. Knaack felt that some citizen should be a memver of the Advisory <br />Committee that is studying sites for the juvenile center - Lino Lakes is <br />not represented on that Committee. <br />Mr. Burman said he and requested permission to appoint someone from Lino <br />Lakes on that Committee. At the present time, Mrs. Ruth Grant of Linwood <br />is the person who would represent this area. <br />There was discussion on the need for additional bed space, the women's <br />facility, the fact that the County is supposed to be out of the cottages <br />by March 1, 1980. use of the land at the State Hospital in Anoka, (this <br />was vetoed by the Welfare Department), cost of sewer installation at St. <br />Joe;s and who would pay, and the fact that the present facility started <br />out as a juvenile treatment center. <br />Mr. Schneider asked a liason to the Advisorty Committee be appointed at <br />this meeting and it was agred that this could be done. Mr. Schneider <br />moved to appoint Mr. Bill Bohjanen as Lino Lakes liasion to the Advisory <br />Committee and Mary Bunker as alternate. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion <br />declared passed. <br />
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