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11/26/1979 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
11/26/1979 Council Minutes
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38 <br />November 26, 1979 <br />street parking ofr some of his equipment and employees. Planning and <br />Zoning had recommended approval. Mr. McLean moved to approve a special use <br />permit for the above listed uses - to be non - transferrable - to have a <br />July 1 issuance date and to be reviewed annulally. Seconded by MR. <br />Zelinka. Motion declared passed. <br />The Industrial plat of Land and Oaks was considered. This is located <br />along County Road 14 East of 135E and a portion borders 24th Avenue. <br />There was discussion on the condition of 24th and the ability to handle <br />commercial usage. The County's recommendation for only two driveway <br />exits had been received - Mr. Short, the Planner, had felt this rezoning <br />is consistant with teh Comprehensive Land Use Plan - Mr. Gotwald was <br />questioned on this and he will submit his remarks in writing. Planning <br />and Zoning had recommended approval of this rezone. Mr. McLean moved to <br />set a public hearing on this plat for December 10, 1979, at 9:00 P.M. <br />Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion declared passed. <br />Shoreview had submitted a preliminary plat of Royal Oaks which borders <br />County Road J and had asked for this City's comments. Mr. McLean moved <br />that htis development he delayed until Anoka County and Ransey County has <br />made a complete study on the ability of the adjoining street to handle the <br />increase in traffic that would be generated by this planned development. <br />It was also suggested that the Metropolitan Council be involved in this <br />study. Seconded by Mr. Zelinka. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. Schneider presented the prepared list of investments and the due date <br />on the CD's. There is to be some reinvesting of these monies. Mr. Schneider <br />and Mr. Schumacher will do this. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz presented the bids for the new Police car. The low bid <br />was from Main Motors in Anoka in the amount of $8969.47. After some dis- <br />cussion, Mr. Schneider moved to approve this bid. Seconded by MR. Zelinka. <br />Motion declared passed. <br />There was no report on the Park Board. <br />Mr. Locher noted that Mr. Babcock had done the title search on the Bloom's <br />Addition. There was to be some change in the legal description. He will <br />check with Mr. Anderson, the County Surveyor, on this matter. <br />Mr. Zelinka reminded the Council that his term on the Circle Pines Utility <br />Commission expires at the end of this year and this Council should make <br />their wishes known to the Circle Piens Council as soon as possible at to <br />whom they would recommend to serve on that Commission. <br />Mr. Zelinka asked Mr. Locher if there is any way this City can assist in <br />collecting overdue bills or unpaid bills on the gas system in Lino Lakes. <br />In Circle Pines this is handled by the lein process but since Cirlce Pines <br />has no jurisdiction in Lino Lakes, it cannot be hadled in that manner. Mr. <br />Locher said he did not know, but would research and get back to Mr. Zelinka <br />with an answer. <br />Mr. Gotwald reported that he had been reviewing all projects in relation- <br />ship to Letters of Credit with Mr. Schumacher. Some of the Letters of <br />Credit should be renewed in an amount sufficient to complete the project. <br />Mr. Gotwald said he had contacted NSP several times on the street lights <br />in the Shenandoah area. He felt the construction on Birch Street and the <br />sewers being installed in the area had delayed the installation. He will <br />check again. <br />
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