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01/03/1980 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01/03/1980 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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January 3, 1980 <br />Special Council Meeting <br />Mayor Gourley asked Mr. Shumacher to explain the purpose of the Ways <br />and Mean Committee. Mr. Schumacher sain this committee is used in labor <br />negotiations and financial matters. Rather than taking time to poll all <br />Council members by phone, several members would meeti with Mr. Schumacher <br />and information would be presented to them. They in turn would advise <br />Mr. Schumacher on his course of action with the final decisions to be <br />made by the full Council. After much discussion on this matter, Mr. McLean <br />suggested forming this committee for a maximum of one year and then re- <br />evaluate. <br />Mayor Gourley moved a Ways and Means Committee be r established and be com- <br />prised of three Council members Mr. Kulaszewicz, Mrs. Elsenpeter and <br />Mayor Gourley. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz, The meeting will be open <br />meetings, This point was discussed with Mr, McLean requesting Mr. Locher <br />to research this matter. The vote was taken on the motion. Motion de- <br />clared passed with Mr. MCLean voting, No <br />The next item on the agenda was consideration of Ordinance No. 20A. This <br />establishes the conduct of the Council. Mr. Locher said that Ordinance <br />No. 20 was passed in 1957. One change will be the time of the meetings <br />from 8:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M.; 2) Item 4, open discussion from the audience; <br />add 'Tresurer' after 'Clerkk'; rule 9, corrected; rule 10, all Resolutions <br />in writing. deleted. Added, Section 2 - rules to be amended by Council' <br />Section 3 - rules apply to all Boards, Mr. Kulaszewicz mooved to change <br />the work 'reading' in Iten three to 'Approval'. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. <br />Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. McLean moved to approve the Ordinance with the proposed changes. <br />Seconded by MR, Jaworski, Motion declared passed, <br />Moyor Gourley directed Mr. Schumacher to have the Clerk publish this <br />Ordinance. <br />Mr. McLean moved to authorize Mr; Schumacher to contact the Department of <br />Revenue with the information that the City Assessor will be a Cityj <br />Employee. Seconded by Mr, Kulaszewicz, The City Assessor will be Margie <br />Roisum. Motion declared passed.. <br />Consideration of the Centerville Fire Contract was postponed due to the <br />lack of a contract. Mr. MCLean moved to table this matter until the <br />contract is available. Mr. Jaworski seconded the motion. Motion declar- <br />ed passed, <br />The Police Contract was next on the agenda. The rate of increase was dis- <br />cussed - Chief Myhre said the contract increased 8 %. Mr. McLean asked if <br />this was enough and had this been analyzed and Mr. Schumacher said, Yes. <br />Mr. McLean moved to authorize Mr. Schumacher to offer this contract to <br />Centerville. Seconded by MR. Kulaszewicz. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr, Al Ross felt that the two Cities should look at the Fire Department <br />and Police Contracts for stabalizing the costs, <br />The Anoka County Park Contract was consdiered. This needs to be ratified. <br />Mr, McLean moved the Agreement of March 26, 1974 betweem the County of <br />Anoka and the City of Lino Lakes relating to responsibilites of both <br />governmental units relating to the Chain of Lakes Park be reaffirmend by <br />by this Council. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Moyor Gourley questioned the <br />Ad Hoc Committee and Mr. McLean explained this hasn't met for a long <br />
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