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04/28/1980 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/28/1980 Council Minutes
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April 28, 1980 <br />Locher said his understanding was, that Mr. Suchy was to have applied for a <br />special use permit but has not done so. <br />Mr. Suchy referred to a letter written from the City offices stating that he <br />was not in violation. Mayor Gourley noted that in the Ordinance, any non - <br />conforming use should cease within three years. Also, any new farming oper- <br />ations need a special use permit and a farm requires 300' frontage which this <br />parcel does not have (only 265'). <br />The minutes of the previous meeting were consulted at this point, as were <br />the letter written to Mr. Suchy. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved that Mr. Suchy disposed of the pigs and be allowed to keep <br />the remaining animals. The motion died for lack of a second. <br />Mayor Gourley asked that Ordinance #26 be consulted. This allows domestic <br />animals to be kept on five acres of land. <br />Mayor Gourley felt that in 1977 when Mr. Suchy bought the property he was <br />governed by this Ordinance. <br />Mr. Nadeau pointed out 4.01, paragraph B in Ordinance #56 which says that <br />any new ordinance, which is more restrictive, prevails. <br />Mayor Gourley said the Council is aware of the fact that Mr. Nadeau feels <br />that Mr. Suchy does not have a farm due to the lack of the necessary frontage. <br />Mr. Nadeau said that Mr. Suchy had more pigs' now then he had then. <br />Mr. Suchy said that was not a correct statement. In fact he has less pigs now <br />than he did at the begining. Mr. Suchy said as long as he rented the barn to <br />Mr. Nadeau, rented the land, things were friendly until he told Mr. Nadeau that <br />he would no longer be able to rent the barn and lands. <br />Mr. Suchy said the reason he bought this property with the buildings was to <br />raise his own beef, pigs and fowl. If he had known he would be restricted as <br />to what he could keep on the land, he would not have purchased this property. <br />Mr. McLean moved to require Mr. Suchy to cease all farming operations involv- <br />ing the keeping of animals on his property since 265' frontage does not <br />qualify the property for a farm plus the affadivat from the previous owner <br />states that only cats, dogs and horses. A special use permit may be required <br />for specific uses. Seconded by Mr. Gourley. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter asked if this Council is not considering Mr. Suchy's request <br />for a special use permit. She felt he had presented a special use permit as <br />he had been instructed from the offices. Mr. McLean felt this form does„not <br />state what he wanted. Mrs. Elsenpeter felt the intent was there. Mr. Schumacher <br />felt the words 'to have' should be added at the begining of his request. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz asked 'when this property was sold, did either of the parties <br />discuss the raising of animals ?' Mr. Nadeau said he asked Mr. Suchy what he <br />was going to do with this land and he had said he wanted a big garden. <br />Mr. Suchy said he had told them he planned to raise hogs and was told he <br />should not raise too many, that he was too close to Centerville. <br />Mayor Gourley called for the vote on the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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