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Council Minutes <br />June 9, 1980 <br />Page 3 <br />Mr. Jaworski felt that putting horses on small acreage could create problems <br />in the neighborhood and put one person against another. <br />Bob Witham.- ten acres too much ,-:five acres is fine. He said he could' take <br />care of animals on less than five acres but some others might not be able to <br />do so. <br />Mr. Witham questioned as to who would do the inspection. Mayor Gourley <br />pointed out that a person has not be designated at this point in time. <br />Sandy Bernier - asked about the meeting that had been held several nights <br />ago and if a committee has been appointed at this time. Mayor Gourley said <br />that would be done at the end of this hearing <br />John Clark - suggested that in the ordinance the references to "hogs" be <br />changed to 'swine'. <br />Linda Carlson - was concerned about streets with parcels of land from one <br />acre to four acres with some of the people who want to keep animals - what <br />will happen to the value of the other homes, and she was concerned about <br />putting one neighbor against the other. She asked about the people with lands <br />under 5 acres. Mr. Jaworski said those persons are not being considered <br />under this ordinance. <br />Mr. Jerry Hansen took exception with the section that deals with the selling <br />of products. This affects him in that he keeps bees and does sell the excess. <br />Bill Gregor asked if this isn't putting neighbor against neighbor in requir- <br />ing persons with 5 or 6 acres to get a permit. Mr. Jaworski felt that five <br />acres gives a little more room to work with. Mr, Gregor asked if he leased <br />lands to give them five acres, could that person get a permit, Mr. Locher said, <br />Yes, if the land was contigous. <br />Mayor Gourley said unless there is a law on the books, it does no good to re -. <br />gister a complaint, if there is no law to enforce, nothing can be done. <br />A lady from the audience questioned the grandfathering in of some of the ex- <br />isting uses of the land. Mr. Locher explained the dates the ordinances were <br />passed that governs the amount of land that is needed to keep animals. <br />The lady said she was new to the area, only has three acres and does not ha 'Ye <br />animals at this time. But, if she wanted to acquire additional acreage and <br />have animals, then she would need a special use permit. The Council said this <br />was so. She said that Lino,Lakes was a rural area, a farming area and people <br />that don't live next door to animals should move back to the Cities. <br />Mr. Smeed reappeared to add that keeping animals on smaller acreage + he has <br />100' lot and has more front footage than some five acre parcels. He felt the <br />main issue is the way animals were taken care of should be the determining <br />factor. <br />The testimony from the audience was closed off. Marilyn felt that Section 4 <br />should be looked at with the possibility of rewording this section to allow <br />for casual sales. She pointed out that the Metropolitan Council recognizes <br />Lino Lakes as a suburban area not rural. She felt that all persons in the <br />community could be considered, not just the people who have animals or the <br />ones who do not. <br />