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06/09/1980 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/09/1980 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />Council Minutes <br />June 9, 1980 <br />Page 2 <br />very necessary for the Council to be able to deal with these matters in a <br />proper manner. He also thanked the Council on the Open Mike portion of the <br />Council meetings,. He felt this gave the citizens an opportunity to speak on <br />matters they are concerned about. <br />The Public Hearin on Ordinance #73 was opended at 7:48 P.M. Mr. Schumacher <br />read the ordinance as it had been rewritten. Mr. Schumacher pointed out the <br />difference and the manner in which the direction this ordinance has taken. <br />111 <br />Parcels of land of less than 10 acres but containing at least five acres may <br />keep animals with the issuance of a special use permits. Mr. Schumacher out- <br />lined the requirements that will be considered in issuing these permits. He <br />also pointed out there are provisions for inspections. The section dealing with <br />what constitutes a nuisance was also read. <br />The meeting was opened up for testimony from the audience. Mayor Gourley asked <br />that remarks be limited to five minutes and that they only speak once.. <br />Terry Smith disagreed with Section 3. She felt it was a waste of time. She . <br />thought the reason for this ordinance was for the purpose of not wasting the <br />Council's time in hearing these requests. <br />Mayor Gourley explained the reasons for including the requirement for special <br />use permit. <br />Ms. Smith suggested that the areas of lands not involved in swamp should not <br />have to apply fora special use permit. <br />Ginger i_uther. agreed with this concept. She felt this is a_good way to have <br />this handled. She asked about people who have animals at this time - do they <br />have to come in for a special use permit? Mayor Gourley said the way this is <br />wvitten now, No. <br />Chris Benier asked what happens if he sells his land to a person who wants to <br />keep animals.- does he need a special use permit. Mr. Locher said the person <br />who buys the land could continue what is being; done on the land. <br />Bob Gray - questioned the household pets portion is there a limit on the <br />number of animals kept as household pets? Mr. Gray opposed the portion of the <br />Ordinance that prohibts the sale of the products produced on these parcels of <br />land. <br />Mr. Chuck McGrath opposed the five acres - he felt that parcels of land within <br />certain sectors could bedesignated,for inspection. He also disagreed with the <br />prohibition of the sale of the products. He disagreed with inspection - only <br />the special use permit holders are subject to inspection.. He suggested that <br />all persons who. have animals on these small parcels of land be subject to in- <br />spection also. <br />Mary Alice Anderson. - can she sell he six acres , can that be sold as a hobby <br />farm ?; Mayor Gourley said, yes. She felt this should be done so as to benefit <br />the whole community, not just a select few. <br />Mr. Bob Smted - opposed the acreage. He wanted parcels of Tess than five acres <br />to require special use permits. He felt that as ionglas the neighborsdid not <br />object and the animals are taken care of, there should be no reasons why animals <br />could not be kept on these small lots. <br />
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