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06/16/1980 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/16/1980 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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118 <br />Council Minutes <br />June 9, 1980 <br />Page 9 <br />He asked that thb Council send a letter to the Public Service Commission <br />objecting to the 12.6% increase. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter requested that the HUb material be placod on the next a9enda. <br />Mr.- Schumacher recommended that someone familar with this :program from the MC <br />be present to discuss this program. This was suggested as an item for the <br />second meeting in July. <br />Mr. McLean made note of the Open Space and Parks are having regional meetings. <br />He felt that transcripts of those meetings should be requested. Mr. Schumacher <br />was directed to obtain this information. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz moved to' adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />These minutes were considered, corrected and approved at a. regular Council <br />Meeting held on June 16, 1980. <br />0.02_,k4LiA) <br />Edna L. Sarner Clerk - Treasurer <br />.Council Meeting , <br />June 16. 1980 <br />The special meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at <br />7:45 P.M. by Mayor Gourley with all members present with the exception of <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz. <br />Mayor Gourley read a notice that hehad. received informing the City that <br />the union contract for the maintenance employees would be going to mediation. <br />The net item to be considered was the transfer of the liquor license for the <br />Woodshed. This will be operated under the name of Mitra, Inc. with Mr. Gregory <br />Schlosser applying for the license. The insurance papers are in order but the <br />bond needs to be in the amount of $5.000.00 rather than the $3,000.00 that had <br />been delivered to, the offices. Mr. Kluegel had inspected the lower level for <br />the purposes of living quarters and found smoke detectors need to be installed, <br />shower or bathing facilities, and kitchen facilities are needed. <br />Chief Myhre had checked out the applicant and found no problems. <br />Mayor Gourley felt that since there had been quite a lot of work done by the <br />staff in connection with the transfer of this license, there should be an <br />additional administrative cost of $100.00 t0 $125.00 to defray these costs. <br />Mr. McLean asked how long it would take to complete the requirements to make <br />the lower level adequate for living quarters and Mr. Marvare said, approximately, <br />two weeks. Mayor Gourley said he had questioned the Attorney on this matter <br />and Mr.;Locher said that Council's in past have waived this requirement for a <br />short period. <br />
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