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06/30/1980 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
06/30/1980 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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Special Council Meeting <br />June 30, 1980 <br />Mrs. Tufts asked about the person who stables the horses on Ware Roadn and <br />County Road J, how did he get a permit? Mr. Kulaszewicz said there is no <br />permit. Mrs. Tufts said these are horsee that are boarded at that location <br />This matter is being checked in to. <br />Mayor Gourley asked that the subject being discussed stay with Mr. Smeed's <br />request. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz pointed out that this area is an area where water and <br />sewer could be coming in soon. <br />Mayor Gourley felt that Mr. Smeed has gone out of his way to comply with <br />all this requests of the Council. Mr. Smeed said no one that he talked <br />to on his stree had any reservations about his having horses on the lots. <br />Mr. MCLean asked about the leases - these are for one year only. Mr. <br />McLean felt that the only way a special use permit could be issued in this <br />matter would be to issue the permit to the person and not to the land. <br />This would be necessary because of the leased lands not being under the <br />control of the person who is askeng for the special use permit. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter moved to deny this permit for the reasons of too densely <br />populated and could fall under the nuisance portion of the ordinance. <br />Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. On a roll call vote, Mr. Kulaszewicz, No; <br />Mr. Jaworski, Aye; Mr. McLean, Aye; Mrs. Elsenpeter, Aye; Mayor Gourley, <br />No. Mr. Kulaszewicz asked to have the motion reconsidered. Mr. Jaworski <br />so moved. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor <br />Gourley called the roll for the vote. Mr. Kulaszewicz, Aye; Mr. Jaworski, <br />Aye; Mr. McLean, Aye; Mrs. Elsenpeter, Aye; Mayor Gourley, No. The motion <br />carried. <br />The next item on the agenda was a public hearing for Mardon Acres re- <br />zoning. There was no one here representing this company. <br />There was also a rezoning hearing scheduled for Rite Way Waterproofing <br />but there was no representative her for that company. <br />Mr. Gearman was persent to present his building plans for a storage <br />building on Hodgson Road next to the Bus barns. <br />Mr. Schumacher presented two items for Council consideration. This is <br />a B2 classification building, plans must be signed by a registered <br />architect. These plans must be submitted to RCWB and their specifications <br />must be followed. This has not been done at this date. There is also <br />a need for three more parking spaces. The driveway access was discussed - <br />Mr. Gearman said he and filled out the application and has had no re- <br />sponse to date from the State. <br />There was discussion of the off street loading area and the required <br />footage necessary for this area. Mr. Gearman said there will only be <br />straight trucks going in and out, not semis. There was fiscussion of <br />the layout of the land and the building. <br />Mr. Gearman was instructed to get a set of drainage plans and submit to <br />the RCWB - as soon as this is done, then the Council can proceed with <br />these plans. Maour Gourley felt that it looked good. <br />
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