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7 <br />August 11, 1980 <br />The continuation of the Public Hearing on Shenadoah II was called to order at 7:45 P.M. <br />Mr. Huberty, representing Mr. Rehbein, presented new maps for Council consideration. <br />Mr. Schumacher noted that the last meeting had brought out a problem with the Park <br />dedication. <br />Mr. Huberty pointed out -that more than required had been dedicated in the Shenan- <br />doah I plat. 5.9 acres had been dedicated from the Shendandoah I plat, when the <br />requirement was only 4 acres. There is a small lot to the South of Arrowhead <br />Drive containing 3/4 of an acre that is part of this park land dedication and is <br />seperated from the main body of the park by a street. This was felt not to be <br />feasible. <br />Mr. Glenn Rehbein felt that this had happened during the platting of the two plats. <br />He suggested that the City vacate the small 3/4 acre lot, return it to them, they <br />will dedicate Outlot A to the City and pay the $1500.00 per acre for the 30 acre <br />plat of Shenandoah II. <br />Mr. Allan Rehbein asked if the Park land included Lot one in Shenandoah I and was <br />told, No. Mr. Vernon Lehman asked if there will be a fence installed along the <br />cemetary line and Mr. Huberty there was a fence there already. Mr. Irwin <br />asked what the procedure was to return dedicated park land to the owner - does the <br />owner's in the area need to be notified? Mr. Locher said just by publication. <br />This notice must also be posted. Mr. Irwin asked who will hold the title to Outlot A <br />in Shenandoah II ? Mayor Gourley said this would remain in Mr. Rehbein's possession' <br />until it deeded to the City. <br />Mr. Glenn Rehbein presented the following proposal - he will deed Outlot A, and pay <br />$4500.00 into the park fund and in turn the City will vacate the small lot in <br />Shenandoah I. <br />The general consensus of the Council was that any monies received in lieu of land <br />in this area should be spent for the development of the park in that area. <br />Mr. McLean moved to vacate the 241 x 135 lot in the Southeast corner of Shenandoah l <br />as Park Land and a public heeri ng be svt for September 8, 1980 apt 8:30 P.M. Seconded <br />by Mrs. Elsenpeter. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. McLean moved to approve acceptance of the Shenandoah 11 plat as presented this <br />date - 8/11/80 - and the question of the park land dedication be deferred until the <br />hearing on the vacation of the lot in Shenandoah I. Seconded by Mr. Jawroski. Notion <br />carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to close the Hearing at 8:10 P.M. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />Mr. McGrath had arrived to present his report on the Animal Control as prepared by the <br />appointed Commission. <br />Mr. Jaworski questioned the provisions for issuing special use permits - he felt the <br />purpose of this Commission was to eliminate this provision and suggested that Subdivisio <br />C of Section 5 be ommitted. <br />