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08/11/1980 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
08/11/1980 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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15 <br />August 11, 1980 <br />Mr. McLean questioned the matter of 'leasing'. Mayor Gourley asked for comment on <br />Mr. Jaworski's. suggestions. There was some discussion on this. He also questioned <br />number 5 on page 2. He felt this should be deleted. There was some pros and cons on <br />this matter. <br />Mr. Mc Lean asked how to protect the neighborhood from the animals - this brings up <br />the matter of fencing. Mrs. Elsenpeter - in a rural area how much of the allowable <br />land can be leased. <br />This report designates 2Z acres in rural and rural residential and 5 acres in all other <br />areas. Mr. McGrath explained the rationale of this thinking. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter asked, that undef:Section 4, Item 3, could it be indicated that these <br />plans must be filed before the animals are brought in? It was the assumption of the <br />Committee that this is the way this should be handled. <br />Mr. McLean asked if the "non- conforming use" should not be included in this report <br />and it was generally felt that it should be. <br />On page 1, No. 5, Mr. Jaworski asked that the reference to Ordinance No. 73 be deleted. <br />Mayor Gourley asked that the word "proposed" be eliminated from the references to the <br />Limo Lakes Lands Use Plan, and to add to the end of the sentence where this is referenced <br />the words, "or zonnng map ". Under Item 4, Section B, delete all wording after the word, <br />"guidelines "; under Item 5, Section A, should refer to "this ordinance "; under sec +ion <br />3, add at the end per'parcel'; Section 4, Item 1, line A, include something on leasing. <br />Under Section 4, Item 5, it was suggested all registrations be on one single date; also <br />in this item change the word "must" to "shall "; Mayor Gourley said he would like to see <br />the establishment of a permanent board to arbitrate all problems in this area. The <br />Council members had no problems with this idea. <br />There was some discussion on the duties of this permanent board and Mayor Gourley felt <br />the details of this can be worked out at the meetings of the Commission. <br />This report is to be returned to the Committee and the Committee will work on putting <br />this in ordinance form. The Committee will be meeting on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 P.M. <br />beginning August 20, 1980 . A public hearing will be scheduled on this proposed ordinance <br />for public comment. <br />The next item to be considered was the acceptance on the street in Bloom's Addition. <br />Mayor Gourley asked that acceptance of this street be held until some core samples <br />had been taken of this street. He asked that this be done in light of the problems <br />that have been occuring with new streets in the City. Mr. Jaworski moved to held <br />acceptance on this street until the Engineer has taken core samples of the street to <br />insure that this street meets City specifications or the City Engineer Certifies that <br />the street does meet City specifications and that the 20% maintenance bond be provided. <br />Seconded by Mrs. Elsenpeter. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Schumacher reported on a letter that says the street in Equity Estates meets City <br />specifications and is recommended for acceptance by the City Engineer. Mr. Schumacher <br />felt that if the City Engineer says a street is complete and meets City specifications <br />and it fails after a one year period, it should then be the responsibility of someone <br />other than the City for the repair of this street. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter moved to authorize the City Administrator to contact an independent <br />Engineering Firm to study this street in Equity Estates and determine if the street <br />does meet City specifications and what caused the break up after only one year. Se- <br />conded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried unanimously. <br />
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