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11/24/1980 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
11/24/1980 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />November 24, 1980 9 <br />Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The next item was consideration of the Enviornment Worksheet for El Rehbein & Son. <br />This must be approved by the City Council before submitting to the EQB. All Council <br />members have copies of this. <br />MOTION <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to table this until the December 8, 1980 meeting. Seconded by Mr. <br />McLean. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The Ootober financial statement was considered. Mr. Schumacher reported on the various <br />items included in this report, and answered some questions by the Council. <br />A recess was called at this point in the meeting. <br />The meeting reconvened with the first item on the agenda being consideration of the <br />liquor license at Rocky's N. at 8:14 P.M. Mayor Gourley noted that one of the reasons <br />this meeting had been called was the receipt of a copy of a deed noting the transfer <br />of title of the land in September. Another reason was the increase in police incidents <br />at that location. The Council would like some of indication of who the woners are, <br />any proof of wwnership that can be offered and proof of which people are actively <br />working in the establishment. <br />Mr. Michael Pestello requested to speak. He indicated that he is the manager of a <br />corporation known as Surmelli's on the River, which owns a few bars in St. Paul. <br />They were approached approximately a week prior to September about purchasing the <br />bar. Mr. Pestello said he had been contacted by Mr. Navarro who said he couldn't <br />control the crowd or the financial end of the business. Mr. Pestello said he then <br />contacted Mr.Seccombe and Mr. Schaum and it was decided that he should come out and <br />see what they could do. Mr. Navarro had originally wanted to give them 15% of the <br />shares to come out and see if the business could be run profitably. This was turned <br />down but the corporation might be interested in purchasing 50% or whatever amount <br />could be agreed upon. <br />Mr. Pestello said he came out on the 3rd of September and looked over the business and <br />after that it was decided to purchase 50% of the stocks from Mitra, Inc. At that point <br />the real estate was sold and the corporation kept intact. <br />Mr. Langer, Attorney for Mr. Seccombe, said that ownership of the real estate was <br />transferred but Mitra, Inc. and the license holder remained the same. <br />After this had happened, Mr. Pestello had been contacted about the possible need to <br />transfer licenses and permits. He had been in the City offices and had talked to <br />both the Clerk and City Administrator several weeks ago. <br />Mr. Pestello said the Corporation that he works for took complete control of the es- <br />tablishment. Mr. Schlosser is still the license holder and retains his one share in <br />Mitra, Inc. He said he didn't know the exact position of that corporation. 50% had <br />been aquired but this consisted of the real estate. <br />Mayor Gourley asked who owns the share at this point - Mr. Pestello said Mr. Schlosser, <br />Mr. Seccombe and Mr. Schaum. Mayor Gourley - How many? Mr. Pestello - Mr. Schlosser - <br />1; Mr. Se- comber - 50 %; Mr. Schaum - 49% - he thought - said he was not sure just <br />which owned 50% and which 49% <br />
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