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02/09/1981 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/09/1981 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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February 9, 1981 <br />on line 6 of the same paragraph, after the word 'line' insert 'per a letter from <br />Metropolitan Council.' <br />Mr. Jaworski moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Mrs. Elsen- <br />peter. Motion carried unanimously. <br />On considering the minutes of January 26, 1981, there were no corrections or add- <br />itions. The minutes stand approved as presented. <br />The disbursements were considered. Mrs. Elsenpeter questioned the Check to Mr. <br />Vadnais and Mr. Schumacher reported this had been checked out. The disbursements <br />were approved as presented. <br />Mr. Greg Wax was present representing Blaine Midway All Pets to answer any questions <br />the Council might have in connection with animal control. <br />Mayor Gourley said the Contract was on the agenda and asked if he could remain un- <br />til this was considered and Mr. Wax said he would. <br />The next item on the agenda was the Hobby Farm proposal as presented by Mr. McGrath. <br />Mr. McGrath went through the proposal pointing out the changes that have evolved <br />from the meetings. All Council members have a copy of the new proposal. There were <br />some questions on portions of this proposal and Mr. McGrath felt this should be gone <br />over by the City Attorney with an Ordinance evolving from this document. <br />There was quite a lengthy discussion on the registering of the pre - existing non- <br />conforming uses that exists at the present time and how this can be handled. It <br />was generally felt these persons should be required to register within a certain <br />period of time in order to protect their use of the land. <br />There was a suggestion of a commission being established to review the Hobby Farm <br />applicants. Mrs. Elsenpeter suggested that this come before the'Commission before <br />ti is presented to the City offices for the permit. There was some question on the <br />legality of this Commission making binding decisions. <br />Mr. McGrath was thanked for time and information in this matter. <br />A recess was called at this point in the meeting. The meeting reconvened with the <br />first item being the Attorney's report. <br />The first item on Mr. Locher's report was the matter of the building owned by Mr. <br />Clifford Ross, Sr. Mr. Kluegel feels this building is unsafe and should be removed. <br />Mr. Ross wants to repair it. There is some discrepancies on the figures given in <br />the matter of the repairs. The City Ordinance says it cannot cost more than 50% of <br />the value of the,building. <br />Mr. Locher said what the City must bring an action to is to declare this building to <br />be hazardous building under the State Statute then its up to the Courts. <br />1 <br />There should be someone from the Commercial field who can testify what the value of III <br />the building is and what it would cost to repair. <br />Mr. Jaworski asked what if the back half was torn down and the front portion repair- <br />ed? Would this settle the problem? Mr. Jaworski felt it would cost less to bring <br />half up to code, otherwise, the City should go to court and have the entire building <br />
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