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1 <br />1 <br />February 9, 1981 <br />was some discussion on the building progress. Mr. Kluegel was thanked for his in- <br />formation. <br />The vacancies on the Park Board and the Planning and Zoning Board were discussed. Mr. <br />Jaworski moved to appoint Mr. Jim Arntzen to the vacancy on the Park Board. Seconded <br />by Mr. McLean. Motion carried unanimously. <br />A letter is to be written to Mrs. Liljedahl thanking her for her services. A letter <br />is to be forwarded to Mr. Arntzen with all information he order for him to <br />become familar with the Park Board's responsibilities. <br />On discussing the openings on the Planning and Zoning Board, the Clerk was instructed <br />to put a notice in the Circulating Pines, Forest Lake Times and the White Bear Press <br />asking for citizen input to fill these vacancies. Resumes to be in the office by <br />March 9, 1981. <br />Mr. McLean moved to table consideration for Planning and Zoning Board members until <br />after the publication. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. Motion carried unanimously. <br />The next item on the agenda was a salary adjustment for non- clas.sif'ied employees. <br />Mr. Schumacher presented his proposal for these employees. 1) last year the salaries <br />were brought up to Metro Average with approximately 12% increases; 2) C.I.P. - State <br />10.8% - Metro - 11.4 %; 3) Mr. Schumacher reported that he had completed an employee <br />appraisal and performance review; 4) he had discussed goals for each individual and their <br />departments; 5) all departments in good condition - department heads are adapting well <br />to new programs and procedures ; 6) Therefore, Mr. Schumacher recommended a 10% in- <br />crease for the Chief of Police, Superindendent of Pulbic Works and the Buidding Of- <br />ficiai and a 10 3/4% increase for the Bookkeeper /Deputy Clerk; 7) Benefits for health <br />and medical insurance to remain the same; 8) Mr. Schumacher recommended that the Book- <br />keeper Deputy Clerk receive an additional $15.00 reduction from her participation <br />of Health insurance. <br />The Clerk and Administrator to be determined by the Ways and Means Committee. <br />This would increase the Police Chief's salary from $1868.00 to $2055.00 per month; <br />Superintendent of Public ;Works from $1768.00 to $1945.00 per month; Building Official <br />from $1626.00 to $1787.00; Bookkeeper /Deputy Clerk from $930.00 to $1030.00 with <br />an additional $15.00 for H &W. Mr. McLean moved to approve these recommendations. Se- <br />conded by Mrs. Elsenpeter. Motion carried unanimously. These adjustments become <br />effective as of January 1, 1981. <br />There was some discussion on the streets in Ulmer's Rice Lake Add. The need to per- <br />haps change the name of Ulmer Drive. <br />Mr. McLean moved to adjourn at 11:20 P.M. Seconded by Mrs. Elsenpeter. Aye. <br />R E S O L U T I O N <br />WHEREAS, the City Council has executed a Certificate of Indebtdness to the First <br />State Bank of Hugo, Hugo, Minnesota in the amount of $63,000.00, dated <br />February 12, 1980, and <br />WHEREAS, said Certificate Of Indebtedness was issued to purchase a maintenance truck, <br />with a snow plow, wing and sander and police car, pursuant to Minnesota <br />Statute Annotated 4:1.2.301, and <br />