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02/23/1981 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
02/23/1981 Council Minutes
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10/20/2014 2:18:21 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />February 23, 1981 ` <br />Mr. Schumacher presented the actions of the Planning and Zoning Board at their meet- <br />ing held on February 18, 1981. <br />Glenn Rehbein - Lot Split in Shenandoah I. <br />This is for the splitting of the parcel of land that had been originally dedicated for <br />park purposes, but had been vacated by the City. Mr. Karth presented a certificate <br />of survey for the two lots. The Planning and Zoning Board had recommended approval. <br />Mr. McLean moved to approve this lot split. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />Glenn Rehbein - Rezoning Request. <br />This request is for the rezoning of a part of the lands bounded on the North by I35W, <br />on the East by Highway 8, on the West by 4th Avenue, and on the South by Elm Street. <br />Mr. Schumacher pointed out this is just a sketch plan for Lots 1 through 11 proposed <br />as LI and Lots 12, 13, & 14 as HI. The Planning and Zoning had a lot of questions on <br />this dealing with cul -de -sacs, screening, berms, etc., this plan will be coming back <br />and this is just a request for the rezoning. The Planning and Zoning had recommended <br />a Public Hearing be set for the rezoning of Lots 1 through 10 and Lots 1 through 11 to <br />LI and did not take any action on the HI lots. <br />The Council questioned this action and Mr. Schumacher said he was not sure what they <br />wanted in conjunction with the lots proposed for HI. Mrs. Elsenpeter pointed out <br />that one of the lots is currently being used as HI. <br />It was pointed out that even though this land could be rezoned to LI, it would still <br />be necessary for the builder to come before the Council for a Special Use Permit in <br />that this area is not served by sewer. <br />There was discussion as to the usages that could be applied in a HI zoning with the <br />Council being concerned with this aspect of the zoning request. The Council felt <br />that this should be dealt with at a public hearing rather than leaving this for future <br />consideration. <br />Mr. Schumacher recommended that the publication be as requested. This can then be <br />decided at the Public Hearing. <br />Mr. McLean moved to set a public hearing for the rezoning of Lots 1 thru 10, Lots 1 <br />thru 11 as LI, and Lots 12, 13, and 14 to HI for March 23, 1981 at 8:00 P.M. Second- <br />ed by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Northwestern Bell Variance Request <br />Mr. Schumacher presented the proposal of this company for a building of 17x18, on a <br />50' parcel and having only a 20' setback from Birch Street. This parcel of land is <br />located approximately 300' West of Centerville Road on Birch Street. <br />The Council also discussed the possibility of either increasing the lot size to a con- <br />forming sewered lot configuration or decreasing it to a size that is just big enough <br />to allow for the proper setbacks; if the property would be sodded and Mr. Dokken felt <br />that because of the configuration of the property, it would be left as is. Mr. McLean <br />asked if this would be fenced and Mr. Dokken said the adjoining land owner would be <br />using a portion of the property for a turn around and would probably use it for grazing <br />cattle. <br />
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