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04/13/1981 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/13/1981 Council Minutes
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10/20/2014 2:47:38 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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April 13, 1981 <br />OPEN MIKE <br />Mr. Bill Molin appeared before the Council with the request to replace <br />the proposed landscaping requested by the Council with a security <br />fence. This is to be a chain link fence laced with plastic strips. <br />Mr. Molin said ti would be installed inside the existing trees and <br />at a later date they may wish to install a security arm of barb wire. <br />He was reminded he would need a special use permit for the installa- <br />tion of the security arm. This had been discussed with Mr. Short <br />for his concurrence with this idea. <br />Mr. McLean arrived at 8:00 P.M. <br />After some discussion, the general consensus of the Council was there <br />was no objections to the installation of this 6 foot fence without <br />the security are. Mayor Gourley requested that a drawing be made of <br />just where the fence will be installed and asked that this matter be <br />put on the April 27, 1981 agenda. <br />Mrs. Phyllis Blaylock asked to speak and requested that the Council <br />speak into the mikes so the audience could understand what was being <br />saind. She also requested that when the Council took a break for <br />coffee that the audience be offered coffee also. <br />Mayor Gourley said the coffee is just around the corner - anyone <br />can help themselves and he requested the Council members to pull the <br />mikes closer. <br />MRS. OSTLIE asked that there be more copies of the minutes and the <br />agendas. The Clerk explained that she makes 20 copies - some meetings <br />that are both minutes and agendas not used - this meeting there are <br />quite a few people present, so there isn't enough for everyone. There <br />is no way to estimate the number needed. <br />PUBLIC HEARING - LINO INDUSTRIAL PARK REZONING <br />This hearing was called to order at 8:15 P.M. Mayor Gourley set the <br />format for the conduction of this hearing. Mr. Schumacher presented <br />the application, the publication, the map of the area, the comments <br />of the Planner, MnDOT, RCWB, the Attorney and the actions of the <br />Planning and Zoning Board. There were no objections to this rezoning <br />form any of the above listed agencies. <br />Mr. Schumacher pointed out that a number of Mr. Short's comments <br />dealt with the platting of this land - not the rezoning, therefore <br />these items will be considered at the time of platting. <br />Mr. Schumacher read the letter from MnDOT, noting that there was a <br />question as to the EQB interest in this project. EQB had written <br />they do not review industrial lands containing less that 320 acres. <br />Mr. Meister said there is no problems of rezoning the lands from an <br />engineering standpoint. He noted that the run off is controlled by <br />the requirements of the RCWB. <br />Mayor Gourley asked if there were any comments from the developer and <br />there were none. <br />Mayor Gourley asked if there was anyone present who wished to speak <br />
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