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04/13/1981 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/13/1981 Council Minutes
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10/20/2014 2:47:38 PM
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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April 13, 1981 n,--' <br />either pro or con on this rezoning and Mrs. Blaylock requested further <br />explanation on the storm water amangement. Mr. Meister explained the <br />Imethods that required by RCWB. <br />Mr. Ostlie askedthat this area be pointed out on the map. Mayor Gourley <br />noted that this is North of I35W and West of Highway #8. It was also point- <br />ed out that the lots bordering Lilac have already been rezoned to LI and <br />this is the remainder of that parcel of land. <br />Mr. McLean moved to approve the rezoning to LI the lands in the Lino Industria <br />Park. SEconded by Mrs. Elsenpeter. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. McLean moved to close the hearing at 8:30 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Recess. Metting reconvened at 8:45 P.M. <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT - VARIANCE - ROBERT DuFOUR <br />Mayor Gourley noted that Mr. DuFour was at the March 9, 1981 meeting and had <br />been given a temporary permit for the parking of a trailer subject to a <br />building permit being issued before the next meeting, County Health Depart- <br />ment approval of the sanitary facilities and that the time for the permit <br />begin on March 10. Mr. DuFour was also at the March 23, 1981 meeting and <br />had not yet obtained a building permit. The variance request had been <br />tabled at that meeting. <br />Mayor Gourley asked Mr. Kluegel to report on the actions up to this date. <br />Mr. Kluegel noted that a building permit was a part of this procedure and <br />no permit has been issued to this date. Mayor Gourley asked if he had <br />received plans and Mr. Kluegel said Mrs. DuFour had brought in plans this <br />afternoon and when the cost of the permit had been discussed, she took the <br />plans and left. There is also a matter of the installation of a well at <br />this location without a permit. <br />Mayor Gourley asked Mr. DuFour why he had not complied with the requests of <br />the Council to obtain a building permit and Mr. DuFour said he had complied <br />and he had taken out a building permit for this house in another area for <br />$186.00 - a $1000.00 for a building permit in this City is excessive - did <br />not know how this City could justify this when it only cost $186.00 in <br />another county. <br />Mayor Gourley asked if there were any questions from the Council and Mr. <br />Jaworski asked for the floor but was interruped by Mr. DuFour who claimed <br />that someone from the City had been sitting in front of his house spying <br />on his family. Mayor Gourley told him that if he has a security problem <br />he should discuss this with the Police Department. The question before <br />the Council is the matter of his building permit. Mayor Gourley asked if <br />he had any further comment on the matter of the building permit and Mr. <br />DuFour said he felt the fee from this City is illogical and he may just <br />alter his plans and remodel his house across the street. Mr. DuFour said <br />the City had evicted the renters at 855 Birch and he had been storing the <br />former tenants property for 2 months and causing him delays in his <br />building program. He gave Mayor Gourley a bill for two months storage <br />charges. The general consensus of the Council was that they had no idea <br />of what he was talking about. <br />Mayor Gourley asked if Mr. DuFour was planning on getting a building permit <br />and Mr. DuFour did not give a clear answer. <br />
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