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04/21/1986 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/21/1986 Council Minutes
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10/22/2014 3:17:24 PM
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING <br />April 21, 1986 <br />A special meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to <br />order by Mayor Benson at 7:00 P.M., Monday, April 21, 1986. <br />Members present: Marier, Bisel, Bohjanen. Mr. Reinert arrived <br />a few minutes later. City Assessor, Margie Roisum; County Assessor, <br />Gordon Starkey; and Clerk - Treasurer, Marilyn Anderson were also <br />present. <br />Mayor Benson explained the purpose of the meeting was the annual <br />Board of Review /Board of Equalization. <br />Mr. & Mrs. Richard Partridge - 540 -77th Street - PIN 08- 31- 22 -34- <br />0001 Mr. & Mrs. Partridge explained they have compared the value <br />of their home and the taxes to other homes in their area and feel <br />they are paying too much in accordance with similar values. <br />It was determined that the property is already homesteaded. The <br />City Assessor has valued the property at $102,000 for 1986, payable <br />1987 and $98,700 1985 payable 1986. Mrs. Roisum explained the <br />reason the value is higher than other homes in the area is because <br />the square footage of 1,632 is larger, and in some cases consider- <br />ably larger. <br />Mr. Partridge asked if fireplaces or brick exterior raises the <br />taxes. It was explained the taxes are based on the estimated <br />market value and this value is determined by square footage and <br />amenities such as fireplaces. <br />Mr. Partridge asked if he would add another bedroom would that <br />increase his taxes. Mrs. Roisum explained that it would increase <br />his estimated market value and therefore his taxes would increase <br />in proportion. <br />Mrs. Roisum explained the estimated market value is also based <br />on the style of the house (rambler, split entry, etc.) Also <br />other homes in the anea have the benefit of a five -year reduction <br />but since Mr. Partridge's home is new, this reduction was not <br />applied. However, the estimated market value of the Partridge <br />home should be in the realm of what it could be sold for today. <br />Mr. Starkey explained that the entire homestead credit was used <br />in determining the taxes on this property. Therefore, if addi- <br />tions or improvements are made to the house, the taxes will go <br />up faster since there is no more homestead credit available to <br />apply. <br />Mayor Benson explained that Mr. 8 Mrs. Partridge can now appeal <br />to the Anoka County Board of Review or have the County Assessor <br />come and reappraise their property. <br />Mrs. Roisum will find a similar home in Lino Lakes and compare <br />the estimated market value. <br />055 <br />
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