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05/14/1986 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/14/1986 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />085 <br />SPECIAL COUN(IL <br />flay 14, 1986 <br />A special meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to <br />order by Mayor Benson at 7:06 P.M. Council members present: Marier, <br />Reinert, Bohjanen. Mr. Bisel arrived several minutes later. City <br />Attorney, Bill Hawkins; Engineer, Bob Toddie and Clerk- Treasurer, <br />Marilyn Anderson were also present. <br />Mayor Benson explained the purpose of the meeting was to discuss <br />with Mr. Ulmer and his engineer Ulmer's Rice Lake 4th Addition. <br />Mr. Duane Olson, consulting engineer for Ulmer Construction posted <br />a map showing the proposed subdivision and the proposed dike system <br />and ponding easement areas. He explained what is being presented <br />at this time is essentially the same plan presented with the ori- <br />ginal Rice Lake 2nd Addition except the dike is larger and he is <br />proposing that all storm sewers be completed. <br />Mr. Olson explained the previous engineering work had been prepared <br />by Carley Engineering, but the actual construction has not been <br />completed to date. Had this been completed, the easements being <br />requested now would have already been dedicated. <br />Mr. Olson explained the RCWD requirements and outlined the storm <br />water ponding and easement proposal. This proposal is essentially <br />the same proposal Mr. Dennis Ulmer presented April 14, 1986 and <br />discussed elevations, storm water run -off and the baffle and weir <br />construction required by RCWD. <br />Audience remarks: <br />Who will maintain this system? Mr. Olson explained it would be <br />dedicated to the City. <br />Who will clean the debris collected at the weir? Mr. Olson ex- <br />plained debris will be cleaned by the City crew. <br />Mr. Olson explained the RCWD requires that every subdivision take <br />care of their own storm water on site. He noted other Watershed <br />Districts treat storm water on a larger ° scale °with bigger holding <br />ponds, etc. <br />A gentleman said he had a hard time seeing why this system will <br />not clog up causing storm water to build up. <br />What is at the south end of the weir? Mr. Olson explained that <br />there is an outlet that allows water to flow into a ditch that <br />is poorly defined along 2nd Avenue and then under Lake Drive to <br />Rice Lake. <br />A gentleman said his complaint is because he bought a one acre <br />lot. Easements on his lot would reduce his usable area. <br />Someone comment that the people in the area are complaining about <br />the volume of houses being proposed. <br />
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