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05/14/1986 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
05/14/1986 Council Minutes
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10/22/2014 3:16:21 PM
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0d6 <br />F: e Two <br />SPECIAL COUNCIL <br />May 14, 1986 <br />What do you propose to do? At the last hearing Mr. Ulmer did <br />not have a viable plan, what does the Council plan to do with it? <br />Do you propose to build a dike? Mr. Olson said yes. <br />Do you propose to complete the ditch and weir? Mr. Olson said <br />yes. <br />You say you are constructing a dike and yet you say there will <br />not be an increase in water volume. Are you building a dike to <br />please RCWD? Mr. Olson said yes. <br />What will a two foot rise in the water do to the wildlife? Mr. <br />Olson said the DNR has approved the plan so they feel the impact <br />will not be significant. <br />Comment: You are protecting yourself and the people downstream, <br />but not the people in the immediate area. Mr. Olson said this <br />plan will rectify a problem that is already there. <br />Is there an alternate plan if easements are not granted. Mr. <br />Olson said none that RCWD will approve. <br />Comment: I would think the Council would want to do what the <br />neighbors want done, not what the developer wants done. <br />Why not leave the plat one acre lots and put the holding pond on <br />the plat. Mr. Olson said this would not change the RCWD require- <br />ments. <br />Is there no other solution than using Outlot A? Mr. Olson said <br />Mr. Ulmer could acquire more property and increase his costs. <br />However, the area is already there and owned by Mr. Ulmer and it <br />was intended for this use. <br />Can Outlot A be dug deeper? Mr. Olson said yes, but there is not <br />outlet that deep. <br />A gentleman said Mr. Ulmer contacted him once about the easement <br />for the road. Then he told him he (Mr. Ulmer) was tired of deal- <br />ing with him. There was no negotiation. <br />A gentleman said another solution would be to cut back to 40 homes <br />and place a holding pond on that property. <br />A gentleman commented that he had bought a one acre lot and a <br />neighborhood. If Mr. Ulmer builds 107 homes, this is not what <br />he bought. He has contacted an attorney and will take action <br />against the Council if this plat is approved. <br />Mayor Benson explained that if municipal sewer is available, the <br />City cannot prevent a developer from platting his property into <br />urban sized lots. Mr. Toddie explained this area is in the Metro- <br />politan Council's Urban Service District and approval from that <br />body has been granted. Mayor Benson said the City has already <br />planned that municipal sewers will be scheduled for this area with <br />the adoption of the present comprehensive land use plan. <br />
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