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04/20/1987 Council Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
04/20/1987 Council Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Board of Appeal
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />COUNCIL BOARD OF REVIEW APRIL 20, 1987 <br />A Special Meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was call to order at <br />7:04 P.M. by Councilman Bohjanen. Council Members present: Bohjanen, <br />Marier and Bisel. Mayor Benson and Mr. Reinert arrived later. City <br />Clerk, Marilyn Anderson and Ms. Diana Bockniak from the County <br />Assessors office was also present. Mr. Schumacher arrived later. <br />Mr. Bohjanen explained the purpose of the Special Council was to <br />convene the Lino Lakes Boad of Review for 1987. <br />Ms. Judith Tooker, 7850 - 20th Avenue - Ms. Tooker said she has <br />obtained several appraisals of her property from realtors and one from <br />the Search Company. All appraisals are lower than what is currently <br />listed as the market value of her property by the City Assessor. Ms. <br />Tooker explained that there has been considerable amount of water <br />damage to her property and currently there is water in her basement. <br />She presented pictures of her property. The Assessor had her market <br />value listed as $90,000 and lowered it to $84,000 and the County has <br />now lowered the value to $78,400. <br />Ms. Bockniak told the Council that the house does have some problems <br />and her associates did talk to Mr. Olson at the Search Company who <br />said that the $78,400 figure was in the ballpark. She said she would <br />leave it up to the Council to decide if the value should be reduced <br />further. <br />Mr. Marier said in view of the fact that it has already been dropped <br />significantly and water damages could be corrected, the value at this <br />time is probably correct. Mr. Marier moved to abide by the County's <br />value of $78,400. Mr. Bisel seconded the motion. Ms. Tooker said <br />that the house has been bad since 1983 and if someone were to buy the <br />house right now they would not pay $78,400 because of the <br />uncertainity. She estimated it would cost $5,000 to complete repairs. <br />Mr. Marier noted that no effort has been made to rectify the situation <br />on the part of Ms. Tooker and if it were to be assessed on square <br />footage basis, the value would be $90,000. Ms. Tooker told the Council <br />that there is a sump pump in the basement and drain tile under the <br />floor. Currently there is water in the basement and when it rains <br />there is sewer gas odors in the house. <br />Voting on the motion, Mr. Bisel voted no, Mr. Reinert abstained and <br />Mr. Bohjanen voted yes. Motion carried. <br />Mike Dovle - 6711 Partridge Place - Mr. Doyle questioned on what basis <br />a market value is determined. He said his house is not complete. The <br />basement is not finished and neither is the dining room and the yard. <br />Ms. Bockniak checked the Assessors records for this dwelling and found <br />that the house has 1,380 square feet, is considered grade 6, built in <br />PAGE 1 <br />
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